7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

What do you think are the most dangerous creatures in the world? Lobster, panther, centipede, scorpion, spider ...? And has cinema as well as documentary film been fully depicted yet?

What do you think are the most dangerous creatures in the world? Lobster, panther, centipede, scorpion, spider .? And has cinema as well as documentary film been fully depicted yet?

In fact, there are many other deadly and scary animals in the wild. They live in other worlds, possessing terrifying abilities, more than you can imagine.

1. Conical snail: Assassin with the world's fastest animal mallet

Picture 1 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

"Youth" in the picture has a pretty poetic name: conical cone . But overall the poeticness of the cones is only encapsulated in the name, the rest are full of extremely scary elements.

This species belongs to the sea slug family, living in warm waters around the world. Their fear first lies in their ability to hunt: they possess a set of jaws resembling a meat grinder, hunting by hiding in the sand, snatching any ill-fated victims passing by. And for those of you who don't know, the snail's snail's pace is among the fastest in the world.

Picture 2 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

But that's still not the scariest thing about a conch. In addition to speed, they also have venom, which is also one of the most dangerous neurotoxins, with the ability to paralyze victims and allow them to slowly enjoy a comfortable meal.

2. Poison frog with the "strange" competition

Picture 3 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

This is a dart frog - one of the frog species has a very strong toxicity in nature. However, the poison of dart frogs is not actually created by them, but comes from their diet - including poisonous plants. So if dart frogs are kept indoors, they won't be poisonous.

The interesting thing about dart frogs lies in how they protect their territory from competing competitors. When 2 dart frogs invade each other's territory, they will . rush into wrestling, instead of fighting to death like other animals.

3. The double fear of box jellyfish

Picture 4 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

Are you afraid of spiders for what reason? Because they're poisonous, lots of legs, lots of eyes, lots of fur?

If so, then you should be afraid of jellyfish as well. Not only possessing deadly shots, jellyfish also has many tentacles, and even has . 24 eyes.

The number of eyes of box jellyfish is divided into 4 types, of which the upper and lower eyes have the effect of collecting images - similar to humans. The remaining eyes are more pristine, enough for them to perform some simple tasks such as responding to light or dodging obstacles.

4. Black mamba snake: run wherever you do not escape

Picture 5 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

Among venomous snakes, the black mamba snake is definitely among the top. Their venom can be said to be terrifying, and possesses extremely fast and extremely aggressive attack. When agitated, they can repeatedly operate on prey, injecting a large amount of venom into the victim's body. An estimated 20,000 people die each year under the fangs of black mamba.

5. Mafia of the animal kingdom: African buffalo

Picture 6 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

Despite being a herbivore, African buffalo (Cape buffalo) is extremely fierce. They are considered one of the most dangerous animals for humans in the "black continent", moving at a speed of 50 - 60km / h when attacking. Each year, about 200 people are killed by buffaloes.

Some scientists call this buffalo the "mafia of the animal kingdom", in part because of the fierce glare and uncompromising attitude towards the enemy.

6. Puffer fish: The most powerful venom with the ability to camouflage the excess

Picture 7 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

In Japan, puffer fish is an extremely delicious and also very expensive dish. But only when chefs eliminate their toxicity - the most feared neurotoxin in the world, can kill an adult extremely easily in very small doses.

Puffer fish use venom to defend themselves, but they are not the only way. Like chameleon, puffer fish can change skin pigmentation according to the environment, in order to avoid being attacked by enemies.

7. Fighting fish: Scary survival

Picture 8 of 7 facts about animals that will help you understand: Nature is a world full of scary things

Is there any fish that can live on land without any problem? Yes, and that is stonefish.

Fighting fish also possess one of the most powerful toxins on the planet, capable of causing death if not detoxified in time. But the most special ability of the fighting fish must lie in the extremely intense survival: They can live within 24 hours in an environment without water, thanks to the ability to absorb oxygen through the skin.

Update 28 May 2020



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