7 things you need to know about tofu

Good or bad tofu for your health depends on how much you consume.

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Tofu is one of the foods that has caused many scientists to argue because there are different views. Some supporters believe that soy-based tofu should be healthy and one of the best sources of protein. Others argue that tofu is a processed food so it has no nutritional value like fresh food.

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However, we know that tofu is a food that can provide protein for vegetarians. Good or bad tofu for your health depends on how much you consume. If eating too much tofu can also lead to hormonal imbalance in the body.

Find out more about tofu according to the information below:

1. Tofu is processed food

As a food made from soybeans, tofu contains preservatives and is manufactured artificially. It is not as characteristic as pure natural foods.

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2. Do not eat a lot of tofu at a time

Tofu provides protein so it is suitable for vegetarians or for weight loss. But you should not eat a lot of tofu at once because it can lead to bloating and indigestion.

3. Eat more tofu to break the male hormone

Soy contains isoflavones, a compound that increases estrogen levels in the body. If you are a male, consuming a lot of soy products including tofu can disrupt the balance of your reproductive hormones.

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4. Tofu is beneficial for menopause

For women, increased levels of estrogen will help them easily overcome the symptoms of menopause or overcome hormonal imbalances.

5. Tofu increases the risk of cancer

Tofu contains unhealthy preservatives and affects hormones, which can significantly increase the risk of breast cancer.

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6. Tofu contains vitamin D

Among vegetarian foods, soy contains the most vitamin D, so when it is processed into tofu, vitamin D levels are retained significantly.

7. Tofu causes thyroid problems

People with thyroid problems should not eat a lot of tofu or other soy products because it has a significant impact on the hormonal balance in the body.