A lot of acne can be a sign of the following 4 health problems

Acne is not only unsightly but also makes many people feel inferior. Acne not only 'raging' on the face also grows much on the back. These may be symptoms of the following 4 diseases.

Acne is not only unsightly but also makes many people feel inferior. Acne not only 'raging' on the face also grows much on the back. These may be symptoms of the following 4 diseases.

The body makes an oil called sebum . Acne forms when there is a lot of sebum and dead skin cells accumulate. This buildup clogs pores on the skin. When the follicle enlarges, it will form acne.

Back acne, you should pay attention to the following 4 health issues to have a timely, proper treatment.

1. Folliculitis

Picture 1 of A lot of acne can be a sign of the following 4 health problems

During hot weather, sweating is abundant, if the body is not cleaned in time, the hair follicles will be blocked and cause inflammation.

Folliculitis is a common skin condition caused by inflamed hair follicles. It is usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. During hot weather, sweating is abundant, if the body is not cleaned in time, the hair follicles will be blocked and cause inflammation. Especially for adolescents, in the period of puberty, the secretion of hormones in the body is relatively strong, the secretions are much more likely to develop folliculitis.

Folliculitis manifests itself with red pimples or whiteheads around the hair follicles. These pimples are not squeezed by hand, because they are easy to cause infection, become uncomfortable sores.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease. The disease mainly affects the scalp but can affect other areas such as the face, the sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, chest and shoulder, back.

When you have oily skin, it can cause scaly, red, hard patches and may feel itchy and uncomfortable. Untreated disease will deeply damage the hair follicles.

The cause of seborrheic dermatitis comes from the consumption of oily foods, or the improper use of skin care products. To alleviate the situation, you should pay attention to re-balance nutrition in daily meals to improve sebaceous gland function.

3. Endocrine disorders

The endocrine system is a network of glands and organs located throughout the body. It is similar to the nervous system in that it plays an important role in controlling and regulating many body functions.

Picture 2 of A lot of acne can be a sign of the following 4 health problems

When endocrine disorders, the body will produce many acne, especially acne on the face and back.

Endocrine disorders occur when the body is under great pressure, in a state of suspense, tension for a long time, combined with a habit of not eating properly. Meanwhile, the body will produce more acne, especially acne on the face and back.

4. Lung disease

When there is a lung problem, the back will be part of the first abnormal phenomenon. Acne on the back can be a symptom of lung diseases. When you have a lung disease, your body will heat up and release the heat out, sweat a lot and produce acne.

Some tips to help reduce back acne

  • Bathe after exercise, sports activities to keep hygiene, remove sweat and dirt clinging to people.
  • Exfoliating to reduce dead skin cells can clog pores.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to reduce the amount of dirt and sweat rubbing into your back.
  • Limit your hair down, especially in hot weather.
  • Choose sunscreen carefully, so choose products that don't contain oil and are gentle on the skin.
  • Eat healthy, add vegetables, fruits, grains.
Update 30 October 2019



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