A quick test helps you realize if you have depression

It is not wrong to say that depression is a dangerous disease in modern society when they can make patients feel unbalanced.

It has been proven to be a dangerous disease in modern society and it is essential to find out if you have it early or not.

It is not wrong to say that depression is a dangerous disease in modern society when they can make the patient always feel in an imbalanced state, just keep silent if you don't share it with anyone.

When depressed, they often bind themselves to the "hell" mind, live in their own world, separate from society and then when it is too dark and lacking in faith, they will end their lives.

However, this is also a treatable disease. Realizing whether you are depressed or not will help your treatment more quickly and positively.

Picture 1 of A quick test helps you realize if you have depression

Depression is a dangerous disease in modern society.

With (BDC - Burns Despression Checklist) of Dr. David D. Burns - this Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Stanford School of Medicine and Pharmacy, you will see if you are likely to be depressed or not. .

It is known that during his career, David D. Burns had contact with thousands of patients with different severe and mild depressions, released the New Mental Therapy book as well as the Don't Let Depression Attack you first edition in 1980.

And here is the 25 questions David David Burns asked. Please read carefully and mark the X in the square corresponding to what you felt for at least 2 weeks. And don't skip any questions!

Picture 2 of A quick test helps you realize if you have depression

And now, please follow the results!

Explain depression checklist

Picture 3 of A quick test helps you realize if you have depression

Remember that any of us may be depressed and the symptoms in each person may be different.

Therefore, when you see you have a high score after taking the test, as well as having signs such as being bored, tired, distracted, easily angry, irritable, or insecure . then you Should see a psychologist, a doctor at a mental hospital . to be able to be examined and treated early.

Note that this test result is NOT a final diagnosis. You can share this with your doctor as well as tell your family and friends for more support.

Treatments, including current medicines and psychotherapy, have a very high success rate so don't worry!

Update 15 December 2018



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