AcronymGeni - Look up the dictionary of IT abbreviations

Every day you have to come in contact with informative materials and often encounter many confusing acronyms, you have to dig, spend a lot of effort to find abbreviations. This causes a lot of annoyance, slowing down your work schedule.

Picture 1 of AcronymGeni - Look up the dictionary of IT abbreviations
Every day you have to come in contact with informative materials and often encounter many confusing acronyms, you have to dig, spend a lot of effort to find abbreviations. This causes a lot of annoyance, slowing down your work schedule.

Now with the help of AcronymGeni software, specialized interpretation of acronyms in the information technology field will help you complete the job more quickly. This is a small but quite useful program for people who regularly study information technology.

Usage is very simple, you just need to type an acronym into the "Look for" box and press Enter, the program will find their original word. Besides, the program also supports you the dictionary Smiley (funny chat icons) and interpretation of acronyms in the field: Internet, chat, programming, software, network, hack, map marketing, media, music . AcronymGen adapt to all Windows, capacity 636KB, free download at .

Tuan Anh

Update 13 December 2018



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