Be careful when eating moon cakes

People with diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension or coronary artery disease should be cautious when using baked goods, flexible cakes.

People with diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension or coronary artery disease should be cautious when using baked goods, flexible cakes.

The main ingredient of moon cake is flour, sugar, butter, lard. Shells of all kinds of traditional moon cakes as well as types of beans, lotus seeds . are marinated with lots of fat and sugar. Therefore, moon cakes are very high in fat and sweet.

Salted eggs and nuts in the bread paste provide a significant amount of cholesterol. High salt content in bread can also become a burden for kidneys and cardiovascular system. Cookies, flexible cakes are good gifts, but in terms of health, this is not nutritious food and should be enjoyed only moderately.

Picture 1 of Be careful when eating moon cakes


People with diabetes, overweight, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, coronary disease should be limited or it is best to avoid moon cakes. Eating too many moon cakes at the same time can make atherosclerosis worse, causing a stroke or heart attack. Children and the elderly also do not benefit from using this gift.

Not only is not good for health in general, moon cakes also make you gain weight. On average, a 10x4cm round cake provides 800-1,200 calories (more egg yolk, higher energy), 5-12g protein, 60-90g carbohydrates and 30-45g fat. A piece of salted egg mooncake weighing 60g provides about 200 calories. A woman weighing 55kg needs to walk an hour to burn this energy.

To make it easy to imagine, for example, men aged 31-50 with average physical activity need 2,400-2,600 calories per day, women of this age need 2,000 calories. Eating a moon cake is enough energy for a main meal. It is best to divide the cake into small pieces and eat with friends, family, eat slowly and limit.

Tea is the best drink with moon cake . Green tea or oolong tea match with salty cakes and chrysanthemum tea is better suited to sweet cakes. These teas contain acetic acid, which helps digestion and resolution of fat better. Avoid using too much coffee or tea when eating bread because these drinks are rich in caffeine. Drinks containing carbohydrates such as cola contain more energy and sugar, exacerbating the fat-causing effects of moon cakes.

Doctor Tran Thu Thuy

Update 15 December 2018



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