Benefits of a Mediterranean-style menu with in vitro fertilization

This information is the conclusion made by Greek scientists in the latest research and published in the journal

Women who perform a lot of fruit, fresh vegetables, fish and olive oil for a long time have a high chance of successfully conceiving (IVF).

This information is the conclusion made by Greek scientists in the latest study and published in the journal "Reproduction in humans" on January 30.

The study involved 244 women from Athens and Greece. These people all use a Mediterranean-style menu of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and fish for six months before the IVF.

Picture 1 of Benefits of a Mediterranean-style menu with in vitro fertilization

The Mediterranean diet includes lots of fruits, fresh vegetables, fish and olive oil.

The results showed that this group was 65-68% more likely to successfully conceive and give birth to children than women who did not regularly perform the above diet. In addition, women under the age of 35 in this group are able to produce healthy babies.

Research co-author Nikos Yiannakouris of Harokopio University in Greece said the study wanted to convey the message that women who are planning to become pregnant should adopt a healthy diet, such as a Mediterranean diet. , thereby more likely to conceive.

Through this study, scientists want to point out the correlation between the ability to conceive with a reasonable diet. However, the research team cannot confirm that the Mediterranean diet is a factor in increasing fertility for women who perform IVF, but want to give advice on healthy nutrition for women. women want to become pregnant.

The Mediterranean diet is applied by people in many countries like Greece, Italy and Spain. This diet is based on healthy food, focusing primarily on fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and olive oil, but less red meat.

Update 15 December 2018



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