New method to choose healthy eggs

UK scientists have found a new way to detect eggs that are capable of in vitro fertilization with a success rate of up to 90%.

This method eliminates the extreme form in the egg, the cells are born just before and after conception, to know the exact number of chromosomes. If the extremities have a normal number of chromosomes, the egg also has a normal number of chromosomes, and this indicates that the egg is highly fertile.

Picture 1 of New method to choose healthy eggs

The new method can eliminate polarity in eggs.

The only method for selecting eggs for in vitro fertilization is to test them under a microscope. This method gives very limited results about anomalies of the egg, leading to unsure success in fertilization. Abnormalities in the number of chromosomes in eggs are the main reason why many in vitro fertilization fail, or lead to some diseases such as Down syndrome.

Source: Telegraph