Children watch TV and have high blood pressure

Recently, scientists have published a study that said that children sitting in front of a TV screen or playing computer games for too long may increase the risk of high blood pressure.

We all know that, if children watch too much TV, sitting too much is bad for health. Recently, scientists have published a study that said that children sitting in front of a TV screen or playing computer games for too long may increase the risk of high blood pressure.

The study does not distinguish between fat and thin children.

' Previous studies have shown that sitting too much will lead to obesity and obesity that will cause high blood pressure, but this is the first time we've discovered sitting in front of a TV or computer screen. more will directly cause high blood pressure, 'wrote Dr. Joey C. Eisenmann, University of Michigan in East Lansing in an email to Reuters health section.

Picture 1 of Children watch TV and have high blood pressure

Children who watch TV or play games too long are more likely to have high blood pressure (Photo: Corbis)

In this study, Mr. Eisenmann and colleagues investigated the physical activity of more than 111 children aged 3 to 8 years within 1 week. Each child has a device that measures how much time they spend watching TV, playing games, drawing, sitting or participating in effortless activities. The results showed that, on average, children usually sit for 5 hours a day and spend about 1.5 hours on average watching TV or playing computer games.

Scientists also found that, regardless of body weight, the risk of blood pressure in children who spend more time in front of a TV or computer is higher than those who watch less TV or computer gaming (average 30 minutes / day).

To prevent child illness, Mr. Eisenmann stressed that parents and their children need to comply with the limit of watching TV for no more than 2 hours a day and need to combine 60 minutes of physical activity. .

If not, in addition to the risk of high blood pressure, too many children watching TV and playing computer games will also have some unhealthy diseases such as stress, lack of sleep, .

Update 14 December 2018



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