Chile continues to suffer 12 more earthquakes

Central Chile suffered 12 earthquakes over the weekend, of which nine occurred around the Pichilemu coast, which had been devastated earlier by the 8.8 magnitude earthquake and tsunami. February 27

Picture 1 of Chile continues to suffer 12 more earthquakes The US Seismological Center (USGS) and the Seismological Institute of the University of Chile (ISUC) have measured many seismic fluctuations ranging from 3.3 to 5.9 on the Richter scale in the region over the past two days. .

Currently, the authorities have not issued any notice of human and material damage.

Talking to the press, ISUC Director Sergio Barrientos said that seismic events are now closer to the surface and people can feel them. The reason is because the historic earthquake in February caused a fracture of the Nazca and South American tectonic plates.

The natural disaster that took place on February 27 has claimed the lives of hundreds of Chileans and physical damage estimated at up to US $ 30 billion.