Chimpanzees evolved stronger than humans

Chimpanzee is the most evolved animal? According to the size of the brain, Homo Sapien is considered to lead the evolutionary process. However, when comparing the genomes of these two species, geneticists noted that the number of genes in the monkey species is

Chimpanzee is the most evolved animal? According to the size of the brain, the sapien Homo is considered to be the leader

Picture 1 of Chimpanzees evolved stronger than humans
(Photo: u evolution. However, when comparing the genomes of these two species, geneticists have noted that the number of genes in large monkeys has evolved more than humans.

Since chimpanzees and humans have separated from each other 6 to 7 million years ago - these two populations have turned out from a common ancestor - the natural selection process has been most active in chimpanzees.

The team, led by Jianzhi Zhang of the University of Michigan (USA), compared 14,000 homologous protein-coding genes in the human and chimp genome to detect mutations associated with a wide range of adaptive retention. generation. They found 233 mutations in chimpanzees while in humans only 154.

Mr. Zhang explained that this difference may be due to the large number of chimpanzees compared to the human population during 1 to 2 million years. According to the population genetic analysis method, the natural selection process in large groups will be more active than the small group. Therefore, the ancestors of Homo sapien may have evolved more slowly.


Update 16 December 2018



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