Close up of the screen reproduces the melting candies back into the fascinating old shape

Reversing videos often make us very excited because being able to observe an entire moment of voyeurism has just happened.

If you make viewers seem more nervous when observing the next movement, in the form of reverse video, viewers are attracted to wanting to see the previous state of things and phenomena.

Reversing videos often make us very excited because being able to observe an entire moment of voyeurism has just happened.

Picture 1 of Close up of the screen reproduces the melting candies back into the fascinating old shape

Melting of marshmallows, chocolate is rewinded.

It is also the special way of YouTuber Erwin Trummer that makes people feel quite excited when watching the melting process of marshmallows, chocolate is rewinded.

Thinking about what the patchy texture on the other surface is, it turns out they are candies, a beautiful chocolate bar that has to suffer from the impact of temperature leading to melting.

Erwin Trummer shared, to make these interesting videos is not difficult and does not require expensive equipment. Simply, you only need a smartphone that can record high quality videos, an application that can record video timelapse and a little bit of candy.

Please read the video of the reverse scene of the melted marshmallows and chocolates:

Update 18 December 2018



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