Computer read the dream image

Computers can predict what you're dreaming based on brainwave activity and brain blood flow.

Computers can predict what you're dreaming based on brainwave activity and brain blood flow.

Scientists are now able to go deeper into the field still bearing many mysterious colors as a dream. They studied brain activity with a type of scanner called fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) . This device will make doctors do not need to conduct brain surgery and measure electrical signals in the brain. Instead, magnets measure blood flow of nutrients and chemicals to nerve cells. Through it, the scanner will recognize which neurons suck the most food and the blood flow as well as the most active brain position.

Based on these data, researchers can predict what you are dreaming about. The scanner will tell you the outstanding images in your dream."Using this method, we will know more about the functions of dreams," said Masako Tamaki, a neuroscientist at Brown University. These images will also help scientists understand what happens in the brain when people experience nightmares.

Picture 1 of Computer read the dream image

Volunteers are being photographed brain images of dream pictures.(Image source: sciencenewsforstudents).

The exact reason why everyone dreams is still a mystery. The founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud thinks that dreams are wishes that have not been fulfilled. Some people believe that dreams are just byproducts unrelated to sleep cycles. One more theory is that dreams allow our minds to continue to solve the challenges faced during the day. Most people agree that their dreams contain some meaning.

In her study, Ms. Tamaki and colleagues monitored brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for 3 volunteers when they were sleeping. Every few minutes, the team wakes up these 3 people to describe their dreams. In total, the scientists collected 200 images.

The team then attached the dream content that subjects described when awakening to certain types of brain activity (such as blood flow in fMRI scans) and used a computer model to understand the signs That brand.

The computer model then analyzes the dreams of each object. This device was able to indicate when each dream object was about certain things based on his / her brain activity when awake.

These discoveries allude to the same brain regions that are activated when people wake up and when they have related dreams.

According to the report, this technique has been used to detect and reconstruct a specific person's face that appears in the human mind. In the future, this same technique may also help researchers recreate human memory, imagination or images that appear in dreams, and may even help the police learn the Crime information through the witness's memos.

Update 12 December 2018



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