Deciphering a woman's fear of women

This fear is thought by experts to be a form of social anxiety disorder, stemming from violence encountered in the past, according to Boldsky.

Some men are afraid of women, especially beautiful women. They feel anxious and stressful when being close to women. Experts believe that this fear is in the form of social anxiety disorder. Like most fears, this condition has some physical and psychological symptoms.

Picture 1 of Deciphering a woman's fear of women
This condition has some physical and psychological symptoms.(Photo: Boldsky).

Men with this disease may experience symptoms such as nausea, sweating, heart palpitations and stress when interacting with a woman. Some people want to run away if they are asked to talk to someone of the opposite sex. They completely avoid contact with women, so they never like any kind of physical contact including love.

Psychologists believe that the main cause of their fear of women may be from their past negative experiences. Certain situations have caused them to assume that all women are bad. For example, there are men who have been abused by women in the past, making them feel afraid of women. Sometimes, abuse comes from the mother. Even a sister, grandmother, or any woman could be the cause of a gentleman's fear.

A teacher who strictly uses rules in school may also be the reason for fear in some men. These experiences make a man lose faith in women. When the relationship is overused, it can become an obsession. Experts recommend treatments or advice to overcome fear that will help the male maintain a healthy relationship with the opposite sex.