Detecting dinosaur fossils with eggs

The fossil of the flying lizard, along with its eggs, was discovered in China by fossil hunters. Science magazine has written by paleontologists describing some gender differences in flying lizards. Accordingly, males have crests and females do not have .

Picture 1 of Detecting dinosaur fossils with eggs Pterosaurs once dominated the Middle Sky sky 220 - 65 million years ago. Although this species is like a dinosaur when it appears heavy, slow on the ground, it is not a true dinosaur.

According to the BBC , this particular specimen is thought to have existed 160 million years ago, found by Junchang Lu and colleagues in Liaoning province, China. This area is famous for the discovery of dinosaur fossils over time. The fossil belongs to Darwinopterus or in the simple way of the research group, Mrs. T. The status of the egg shell shows that it is growing well when Mrs T dies. Mrs T seemed to have had an accident, the fossil showed that it was broken in her left forearm. The researchers speculated, the Mrs T had fallen from the sky during a storm or maybe a volcano erupted, sunk to the bottom of the lake and then preserved in sediment.

The most obvious difference is that Mrs T has a much larger pelvis than a male and it has no trace on the top of the skull to develop a crest like a male.