Detecting strange creatures in the sea 1.300m deep

A special camera has been taken down by scientists to a depth of 1.300m below the ocean surface and discovered a strange creature.

A special camera has been taken down by scientists to a depth of 1.300m below the ocean surface and discovered a strange creature.

In the scene recorded by the camera, the strange creature that looks like a moving root has many tentacles.

Picture 1 of Detecting strange creatures in the sea 1.300m deep

Strange creatures under a depth of 1.300m under the sea.

Some argue that a floating, strange creature looks more like some kind of roots than marine animals. Some people think of this as a more jellyfish-like creature.

However, a deep-sea researcher identified the creature as essentially a special creature called Siphonophore. This is the most exotic animal in the world because scientists have not been able to identify Siphonophores as a species or many kinds of constituent organisms.

Siphonophores look like jellyfish but belong to the Cnidaria strain between coral, jellyfish and is one of the longest species in the world - about 50m.

This creature has a long, thin, transparent body, most populated in Portuguese waters.

Siphonophore is the most exotic animal in the world in that it is not a solitary creature, but a population that gathers many small individuals called zooid , each zooid has its own tasks to contribute to whole population.

Update 18 December 2018



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