Diet according to the biological clock

Nutritional needs at different times of the day are always changing and you need the most appropriate adjustments. A 24-hour eating schedule of a day helps you better understand what to eat and when to eat.

6-9 am

Picture 1 of Diet according to the biological clock Breakfast is the most important part of meals. So no matter how busy you are, you should not skip this meal, especially for dieters. Breakfast with a protein rich menu helps you work all morning without fatigue due to lack of energy, lack of substance or hunger halfway. You can choose eggs, sausages and yogurt for the morning. If you're in the sweet craving group, you should use a little more fresh fruit and oatmeal. Avoid sugar, grapes or ice cream.


If you feel hungry at this time, eat some junk food. Choose foods low in sugar powder like non-fat yogurt. If you don't feel hungry, turn your face away from this meal.

From noon to 14h

This is lunch time. There should be a balanced lunch with protein from chicken (choose lean, low fat, no skin), or fish and salad. You can get some fat from beans or olive oil.


You can eat an apple at this time.

From 17h to 20h

This is dinner time, the lightest meal of the day and it is best to take place before 19:00.

From 21h to 6am

This is a period of red alert for dieters. Eating almost anything at this time can easily lead to fat accumulation. On the other hand, if you feel hungry in this hour, it is almost a feeling, not a real hunger. So refrain from running down to the kitchen or open the fridge.