Discover new insect families dating back 120 million years

The fossil of a family of winged insects that has not been known for 120 million years is found in fine limestone layer in Brazil.

A scientific research group at the Stuttgart Museum of Nature (Germany) said it had discovered fossilized limestone in Brazil of a family of winged insects that had never been known for 120 million years.

Picture 1 of Discover new insect families dating back 120 million years

Coxoplectoptera larvae. (Source: Livescience)

According to the description of two entomologists Arnold Staniczek and Günther Bechly, the new insect family, with the scientific name Coxoplectoptera , lived in the Cretaceous period and had the appearance of an ephemeral resemblance to other anatomical features. .

Coxoplectoptera can once live in discreet places on the banks of the river, and are predatory insects, but their descendants are extinct.

The scientific group stressed that the discovery of larval fossils and the intact wing sample provided valuable information for researchers about insect wing formation during evolution.

Update 17 December 2018



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