Discover the species of bird named

Kites are famous for being faithful birds. The bird also appears on the coat of arms of Sudan and South Africa.

Kites are famous for being faithful birds. The bird also appears on the coat of arms of Sudan and South Africa. When hunting, this bird launches foot-operated attacks that look like Taekwondo martial arts.

Picture 1 of Discover the species of bird named

Kite birds.

Kite is a bird with a special appearance with its body like an eagle, but its feet are nearly 1 meter cranes. Kites are capable of flying at an altitude of 3,000m. Although flying well, people rarely see this bird fly.

The favorite food of kite birds is solid. When hunting, they launch foot attack attacks that look like Taekwondo martial arts. In addition to snakes, kite birds also eat insects, young birds, small animals, lizards, even young Gazelle antelopes.

Picture 2 of Discover the species of bird named

The foot attack is like Taekwondo martial arts.

Kites live in wild grasslands in the South Sahara. In South Africa, kite birds are often raised to catch snakes and rats. They work during the day, at night they are parked on tree branches.

Kites are faithful birds but what is particularly rare is that the males and females do not live together but are a short distance apart.

Update 16 December 2018



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