Discovered a cure for a stroke that has been forgotten for decades

Experts at the University of Washington have discovered an effective but decades-neglected stroke treatment thanks to the patient's genetic markers.

Experts at the University of Washington have discovered an effective but decades-neglected stroke treatment thanks to the patient's genetic markers.

Analyzing more than 5,000 genomes from ischemic stroke patients, the team found two genetic markers that could determine a patient's condition 24 hours after a stroke. Two prominent genes are ADAM32 and GluR1. Both genes are involved in the activity of a neurotransmitter called glutamate.

Glutamate is the most abundant free amino acid in the brain that is not bound to proteins. The scientists were surprised to discover that glutamate has the ability to increase the chances of neuronal activation, known as the euphoric effect.

Too much glutamate can "stimulate" dead cells, causing "excitotoxicity," which in turn leads to stroke. Failed clinical experiments decades ago led scientists to abandon this idea.

"Experts have long wondered whether stimulant toxins are really important in stroke recovery in humans," said Jin-Moo Lee, head of the neurology department at the University of Washington and co-author of the study. know.

Picture 1 of Discovered a cure for a stroke that has been forgotten for decades

Experts discovered that two genes ADAM32 and GluR1 are related to ischemic stroke.

Blocking stimulant toxins can cure stroke in mice. However, every human trial of a glutamate inhibitor has failed. New discovery of two genes inherited in patients may affect neurotoxin treatment and stroke recovery.

"This is remarkable. This is the first genetic evidence that the irritant toxin problem occurs in humans and not just in mice," Lee said.

The researchers believe their work suggests that controlling glutamate and neurotoxins could be a potential method of preventing stroke.

Currently, doctors mainly use anticoagulants to treat ischemic strokes. It restores blood flow to the brain, helps prevent damage, and supports brain function.

Update 20 May 2022



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