Discovering Egyptian mummy on Mars?

Shape-like object an Egyptian mummy was discovered recently on Mars attracted a lot of interest of curious people.

Shape-like object an Egyptian mummy was discovered recently on Mars attracted a lot of interest of curious people.

Those who hunt for alien life have discovered a new sign on the Red Planet that shows an Egyptian mummy may exist here. The picture of the surface of Mars has a large object identical to Egyptian mummies thousands of years ago.

Picture 1 of Discovering Egyptian mummy on Mars?

The rock is very similar in shape to Egyptian mummies.

Mister Enigma Youtube account makes a video that explains in detail this strange shape."If we enlarge the picture of NASA taken by the Curiosity Rover Mars car, we will see a casket containing mummies as if lying on a ledge. This coffin is shaped like a casket containing mummies of ancient Egyptians ".

Picture 2 of Discovering Egyptian mummy on Mars?

Ancient Egyptian mummy is displayed in the museum.

In a second video posted, the Mister Enigma account mentions a photo of two bizarre faces carved on the cliffs in Mars. These two faces are facing the strange Egyptian mummy."Is this a burial place for aliens?"

However, scientists have also mentioned a phenomenon called paredolia . This is a phenomenon of seeing familiar things even though they are not. Some others protested this conclusion by Mister Enigma and argued that he was mistaken.

Update 17 December 2018



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