Discovering super-rare and precious Yunzhi mushrooms in China

A Chinese man has recently found a giant yunzhi mushroom in a primeval forest in the Tai Hanhshan Mountains, Pingshan District, Hebei Province.

>>>Ganoderma has a diameter of nearly one meter

The discoverer of this fungus is named Cui Lien Binh, a public art department official in Hebei province. He accidentally discovered the tree when going out to play in the primeval forest in Binh Son district.

Picture 1 of Discovering super-rare and precious Yunzhi mushrooms in China
Mr. Lien and the mushroom.

The mushroom is 12 stories thick, has a diameter of 1.38m, weight is about 75kg. Expert examiners said that such a big mushroom is very rare.

Thoi Lien Binh said: "I discovered it on a black apple tree. It was covered by fallen leaves. At first I thought it was a normal mushroom."

After that, Thoi Lien Binh went to a nearby village, asking some farmers to come to the scene to bring that mushroom down.

Mr. Wang Lap An, professor at Hebei University, after the assessment said: "This yunzhi mushroom has a very high treatment effect, and is very valuable. Such a large mushroom is rare in China. and in the world ".

Mr. Thoi Lien Binh said, such a big mushroom in the house is also very inconvenient. I hope some collector or museum comes to collect it, keep it for everyone to know.

The fungus of Chizhi is believed to have a nutritious effect on the spirit, reinforcing the tendon. Continuously drinking helps your body supple and increase your life expectancy.

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