Dove - The intelligent bird of the animal world

Doves are known to be more intelligent birds than many other birds.

Doves are known to be more intelligent birds than many other birds. Thanks to their guiding instincts, they possess special abilities, so there are also strange phenomena that exist around their abilities.

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In the animal world, each species exists with its own unique abilities, which make people wonder and admire their abilities, typically pigeons. Scientists have noticed and studied the special abilities of doves, so they have made interesting discoveries about strange phenomena that exist around their abilities. Although the brain size of pigeons is very small, they can distinguish and name objects similar to children learning words.

Picture 1 of Dove - The intelligent bird of the animal world

Pigeon is a strange phenomenon in the animal world because they are smarter than many other animals

New research from the University of Iowa indicates that pigeons are able to learn to distinguish 128 photos into 16 basic categories. Scientists teach them how to identify the different properties and characteristics of breeds or breeds. They showed unclear black-and-white photos of dogs or horses to check if they could correctly identify the corresponding symbols.

After the experiment, the scientists identified the bird as having access to symbols similar to the way a child begins to learn letters. For pigeons to distinguish 16 different categories, researchers have to train them within 40 days.

Professor Edward Wasserman, a psychologist at the University of Iowa, who is responsible for the experiment, said: 'An adult can learn and distinguish 16 items in the world within an hour. However, the pigeon's ability to recognize is quite slow, it takes 45,000 tests to reach that limit ".

Picture 2 of Dove - The intelligent bird of the animal world

Doves can distinguish 16 different categories

Does a child learn more quickly than a pigeon? That is almost certain. However, to the trials, this bird has not been trained. Before that, pigeons could not understand the nature of training, had never experienced such training and they had no language ability. Meanwhile, all these problems belong to human instinct to learn. Therefore, it is more appropriate to compare the ability to recognize this bird from the newborn, because these children take 6-9 months to learn the first letter.

Each day of training, researchers produce 128 random images and train each pigeon. Each image belongs to one of 16 categories such as babies, bottles, fruit cakes, vehicles, dogs, ducks, fish, flowers, hats, keys, pens, phones, plans, shoes, trees. Then the birds must touch the mine on one of the two different colored icons that represent the correct or wrong answer that is preset on the computer touch screen.

After training, they display those images and photos of other categories that have not been trained to see if they can identify the correct items. In the tested birds, one was 80% accurate, the second one achieved 70% accuracy and the third achieved 65% accuracy.

Picture 3 of Dove - The intelligent bird of the animal world

The pigeon recognizes objects like children who learn literacy

In cognitive journals, researchers say their experiment is a simple illustration of how children are taught words - by their parents pointing to images and asking them to put their hands on items. .

Update 16 December 2018



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