Drinking too much water is also harmful

Thinking that drinking water as much as possible, some people put too much weight into their bodies. This is harmful to the kidneys and can put patients with high blood pressure at risk.

Real water plays a particularly important role in the body. People can fast for a few days, but cannot stop drinking. This liquid accounts for about 70% of body weight, 65-75% of body weight, 50% of fat weight, 50% of bone weight.

Picture 1 of Drinking too much water is also harmful Not drinking enough water, the function of cells and organs will be disordered. The kidneys are weak, unable to fulfill their duties, causing the body to accumulate many toxic substances. People who often drink inadequate skin often dry, brittle hair, fatigue, headache, constipation, stone formation in the kidneys and gallbladder.

However, some people are mistaken about recommendations to enhance drinking water. They said that drinking more and more water will increase the excretion of toxic substances from the body, and have been drinking too much, up to 4-5 liters / day. In fact, drinking plenty of water will cause an overload in the kidneys. Enclosed with the discharge of metabolic products, toxic substances, the body also releases nutrients and trace elements when the water intake is too large. People with hypertension who drink lots of water are very dangerous.

So how is drinking water suitable?

Under normal conditions, the body needs about 40 ml of water per kg of body weight per day, a total of 2-2.5 liters. For example, a person weighing 60 kg needs 2.5 liters, of which about 1 liter is taken as drinking water such as tea, coffee, juice, and the rest in foods.

The demand for water increased significantly during hot days, winter days but low humidity, fever, breast-feeding, physical activity or exercise and slightly reduced exercise on a cold day in general.

In the hot season, drink cool water, and in the cold season, drink warm water. Do not drink ice or water overheated above 45 degrees Celsius to avoid affecting the enamel and the lining of the mouth, esophagus, stomach. Cold water is very dangerous for people with rheumatism, gout, bladder disease, chronic pharyngitis because it can cause recurrence of these diseases.

When drinking water, should drink slowly, small sips, each time should not exceed 150-200 ml. Before meals are about 15-40 minutes, drink some water because after 10-15 minutes, the water has been drained from the stomach, into the small intestine and absorbed into the blood. After normal meals, do not drink immediately but leave it for about 30-40 minutes, to avoid diluting or reducing the activity of digestive enzymes (except meals with a lot of stimulants, eating dry, high in fat).