Eating a lot is still thin, why?

Find the reason why you eat so much and still can't gain weight

Many people who are too thin want to gain weight, try to eat a lot of nutritious food, eat a lot of fat, maintain a nocturnal habit but are still thin but this is the wrong method. Find out why you eat so much and still be thin and the most effective method to help you gain weight in a healthy way.

Eating unreasonably

Many people complain that they eat up to 4 bowls of rice every day, but their bodies are still sick, others think that eating a lot of meat will increase the amount of protein that helps build muscle or eat a lot of fat to help the body gain weight quickly.

Picture 1 of Eating a lot is still thin, why?

People often don't know that, depending on the amount of energy consumed, the body absorbs a certain amount of starch or protein. Therefore, eating too much protein and fat will lead to excess, causing obesity or gout, and starch is only enough to meet the minimum activities of the body. In addition, the body can only absorb the best when it is provided with adequate nutrients. So, to gain weight in a healthy way, make a complete and logical supplement to the amount of starch, protein, and fat along with vitamins and minerals for the body.

Poor absorption

According to nutrition experts, each body has different absorption capacity . Therefore, there are people who eat a lot but are not fat, there are people who eat less but still gain weight continuously.

Absorption capacity is expressed through the properties of feces and the number of exits. People who have the ability to absorb poor food often go outside the live stool, constipation, diarrhea, travel many times a day. In addition, people with gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach pain, colon also reduce the body's ability to absorb.

This can be overcome by regulating digestive enzymes .

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High energy conversion

If you have been eating properly and the digestive system is not disturbed then the reason is basic energy metabolism.

In science, the level of basic energy metabolism is the amount of energy consumed for the minimum activities of the body such as heart beating, breathing lungs. This level of metabolism in each person is not the same, people with a high degree of metabolism often exhibit: active, vivacious, difficult to sit still and often passionate about sports. Because of the high energy consumption in basic metabolism, these people are often thin and when touching the skin is hotter than fat people, who have low metabolism.

Picture 3 of Eating a lot is still thin, why?

How to gain weight?

First, you have to identify the reason why you cannot gain weight. If it is due to eating or absorption problems, it is necessary to adjust the diet and digestive enzymes. If, due to high energy metabolism, you need to increase the body's nutrient even more . Then, determine how much weight you want to increase and for how long.

And below are some advice from experts for weight gain:

Don't skip breakfast : the habit of skipping breakfast is very bad for the body. If you skip breakfast, this means that from 7pm the previous day until 11pm the next day, you will not replenish your energy. In addition, you can get stomach pain because for a long time the stomach has nothing to contract.

Eat a lot of meals a day : people often try to eat a lot at one meal but actually the stomach cannot fully digest a large amount of food at the same time. Eating a lot of meals will help your stomach digest more effectively, while also avoiding unpleasant or sleepy after eating because you have to eat too much.

Eat a variety : although the foods you eat may have provided enough nutrients to your body, changing your taste will make you feel uninterested and appetite, help digestive enzymes. more secreted.

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Exercise : this is an indispensable condition if you want to gain weight. Exercising not only helps your body stay healthy and also forces your body to absorb more by consuming energy through exercise. Moreover, regular exercise will help you gain a balanced body while gaining weight.

For boys, the gym is the ideal place for you to eliminate guilt because of your small body. For girls, running 15p daily will help you get a slim, balanced body, but be careful not to run too fast, as this may cause muscles to work with intensity. higher than normal, leading to bigger legs.

And instead of figuring out how to gain weight yourself, which may lead to wrong methods and bad consequences, look to your doctor for the most accurate and correct advice.