Elderly people who eat a lot of fish lose 39% of the risk

Fish is high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids are very useful for building muscles, helping not to fall, reducing joint pain as well as avoiding intellectual decline.

Fish is high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids are very useful for building muscles, helping not to fall, reducing joint pain as well as avoiding intellectual decline.

Researchers from the Japan Institute of Health and Nutrition have conducted a survey with 1,000 grandparents and grandmothers to learn their mental and physical training. Old people asked how difficult it is to attend public transport or pay bills, how often they visit their friends, they often need help from others. Especially participants were also asked about diet.

Picture 1 of Elderly people who eat a lot of fish lose 39% of the risk

Photo: Freephotos

Since then, researchers have found that people who eat a lot of fish can reduce their risk of mental and physical illness by 39% after 7 years.

Animal protein is the key to building essential muscles, helping to protect the body, preventing falls and fractures. However, when we get older, the body will be more difficult to absorb and treat nutrients than young people. Therefore, we need to eat more fish to stay healthy. Fish are particularly good because they contain many other nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are very effective in reducing joint pain as well as intellectual impairment.

Writing in the journal of the American Geriatrics Society's American Geriatrics Society, researchers believe that the deterioration of the mind and body of the elderly entails a huge effect on hospitals and home care programs. , the economy, so it is necessary to find a way for the elderly to stay healthy longer.

Additional research, absorbing a high amount of protein from fish is useful in maintaining the organs of the elderly. Eating too much red meat (pork, beef), cheese in middle age is as dangerous as smoking. However, the study concluded, protein is essential for the elderly.

Update 14 December 2018



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