Evidence of flags on the moon still exists

The image from the US Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft indicates that flags brought by the spacecraft on the moon exist, except for the Apollo 11 flag.

The image from the US Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft shows that the flags raised by the spacecraft on the moon exist, except for the Apollo 11 flag.

>>>Does the flag that Apollo 11 has on the Moon still exist?

The LRO is designed by the US to create the most detailed map in the history of the moon's surface. Scientists checked the images taken by the LRO, confirming the shadows of the flags on the moon before. But this is not considered an official conclusion.

Picture 1 of Evidence of flags on the moon still exists

Astronaut John Young poses as a flag when taking photos at the moon (Apollo 16 flight)

Recently, scientists have studied images in the same area - where the flag was inserted - at various times of the day and analyzed shadows to verify.

Professor Mark Robinson, head of the LRO spacecraft camera research group, said: 'From the images captured by the LRO camera, it is certain that the American flags still exist - except for the Apollo 11 plug. '.

Picture 2 of Evidence of flags on the moon still exists

The image of the LRO's camera shows that Apollo 16's flag still exists with its shadow.

Scientists at Arizona State University (USA) added: ' The time series of images captured by the LRO camera is the most convincing evidence. We can observe that the flag moves into a circle over time. However, it was also a bit surprising to see them (flags) still under harsh conditions at the surface of the moon and ultraviolet rays. It is possible that they have been slightly discolored '.

The LRO began its mission in the lunar orbit in September 2009 to search for minerals, other resources on the moon as well as scouting promising landing sites for future missions.

Update 17 December 2018



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