Explain the big crying situation in newborns

A new study shows that abnormal bowel bacteria may cause some babies to cry violently while others are more benign.

A new study shows that abnormal bowel bacteria may cause some babies to cry violently while others are more benign.

Picture 1 of Explain the big crying situation in newborns

Infants or crying may be caused by an unreasonable amount of bacteria
often in the gut - (Photo: Akron Children's Hospital)

The study by the team of Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) has identified signs of a special form of bacteria inside the intestines of babies with colic. This is the term that describes babies crying more than 3 hours a day without discovering the cause.

During the first few weeks of life, crying babies are found to have high levels of bacteria called proteobacteria in their gut compared with babies who cry less.

Proteobacteria include bacteria that cause bloating, which can make babies stomachache lead to crying out loud, according to Carolina de Weerth of the university.

Besides, babies often cry and have a low amount of bacteria of other groups, called bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. This is an anti-inflammatory group, which can reduce intestinal inflammation and pain, according to a report published on Pediatrics.

Experts believe that pediatric doctors should test intestinal bacteria to predict colic that causes crying in children, and can be used as a supplement for these babies. However, the above proposal still needs to be checked before practical application.

Update 14 December 2018



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