Farming with strange poison robots, the pinnacle of farmers

From bird robots, weeding robots to robots to plant trees and fruit picking ... create the most modern and cool 'agriculture' today!

From bird robots, weeding robots to robots to plant trees and fruit picking . create the most modern and cool agriculture today!

Robot bird

Picture 1 of Farming with strange poison robots, the pinnacle of farmers

This robot, named Robirds , is like a raptor (raptor), it flaps its wings in the air like any real bird. As a product of Nico Nijenhuis scientist, Robirds developed by Clear Flight Solutions for serious purposes: flying around protected areas to scare off real birds, not letting real birds flock to areas they are 'unwelcome guests to danger'. For example, in the field of harvesting or around airports.

Producers say that despite being fake for humans, these birds are designed to be enough to frighten real natural birds weighing up to 3kg. They have a 58cm body length, 120cm wingspan, fly at a maximum speed of 80km / h and are remotely controlled by employees using ground control systems.

Robots pick fruits in greenhouses

Picture 2 of Farming with strange poison robots, the pinnacle of farmers

This robot can see fruits and recognize whether they are ripe and ready to pick, even in a messy and complicated garden. The robot can clamp deep into tangled vines and pick ripe fruits without affecting the surrounding green fruits. It moves around inside the greenhouse gently. Robot sensors look at the world in full 3d mode and can use this information to plan the right path to the goal.

Tertill solar powered robot

Picture 3 of Farming with strange poison robots, the pinnacle of farmers

Tertill is a lovely robot that will roam in your garden every day to cut weeds. The owner just needs to put the Tertill Robot into the garden and rest assured. I will scavenge all day and night in the beds and in the alleys across the garden, the sensors mounted on me will locate the grass and cut them.

Because the robot is powered by a solar battery, the owner doesn't need to care about charging him. It did not affect his activities in the rain. Even in the absence of sunshine for a long time, Tertill charging will be done via USB.Robot made by Franklin Robotics.

Robots plant trees

Picture 4 of Farming with strange poison robots, the pinnacle of farmers

TreeRover is a small tree-planting robot.TreeRover robot has four wheels, runs on battery and holds 10 seedlings. Through the use of compressed air, a hollow trench is dug deep into the ground to free the seedlings. After the seedlings are in the ground, a mechanical arm sticks out the soil around them and TreeRover moves to the next position. TreeRover takes 15 minutes to complete the planting of 10 seedlings.

  • It is interesting to see 'farmer' robots working instead of humans in greenhouses
  • 15 agricultural technologies of the future
Update 28 July 2019



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