Fingerprints are not necessarily authentic

A forensic expert in the Department of Internal Affairs says fingerprinting to identify criminals can be a mistake because it is not a unique feature of individuals as long as people think.

A forensic expert in the Department of Internal Affairs says fingerprinting to identify criminals can be a mistake because it is not a unique feature of individuals as long as people think.

>>> Do fingerprints change over time?

Picture 1 of Fingerprints are not necessarily authentic

Expert Mike Silverman, who introduced the automatic fingerprint detection system to the London Police Department, warned that fingerprints could be misleading because it was not proof. reliable and reliable. He is a specialist in the forensic forensics department of the Ministry of the Interior.

"No fingerprints are exactly the same in every detail, even two consecutive fingerprints on one finger are not identical," explained Silveman . In addition, fingerprints are not perfect, especially at crime scenes. It can be blurred, covered with dust ... There are a lot of things that reduce the accuracy. '

Another important thing, according to Silveman, is that not everyone is recognized and compared to fingerprints and it is difficult to prove that no two individuals have identical fingerprints. Several other factors can reduce the 'uniqueness' of fingerprints such as skin disease, which makes the fingertips soft; As the fingers of an older person change due to loss of elasticity or family members may have similar fingerprints.

Picture 2 of Fingerprints are not necessarily authentic

Mr Silverman said court officials should be aware of this warning, considering more information, rather than relying on evidence from the field investigation, according to experts. He argues that the logic as he warns about hand signs should also apply to the assumption that DNA is unique.

Update 11 December 2018



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