Fireman support robot

Combined with emergency services and firefighting in the South Yorkshire area and four other European organizations, Dr Jacques Penders and colleagues from the University of Sheffield Hallam (UK) have developed two robots mini fireman support.

Combined with emergency services and firefighting in the South Yorkshire area and four other European organizations, Dr Jacques Penders and colleagues from the University of Sheffield Hallam (UK) have developed two robots mini fireman support.

The two Guardian and Wiewfinder robots are only 16cm in diameter and are equipped with mobile communications technology and infrared television cameras, laser radar and two sensors that allow for the detection of toxic and localized substances.

Robot Guardian will work in groups of about 30 robots. Each robot will collect information about toxins, flames, obstacles encountered on the road and will send all information to firefighters using mobile communication technologies such as local wireless LANs (WLANs). ), Bluetooth and Zigbee.

Viewfinder robots will be equipped with chemical sensors and infrared cameras to find safe pathways that allow firefighters to clear their way through partially destroyed industrial areas. This robot will work in groups of 3 robots, sending information about the switchboard through the machine interface developed by Dr. Penders team.

The two projects started in January 2007 and will be completed by 2010.

Picture 1 of Fireman support robot

Viewfinder (photo: Futura-sciences)


Update 11 December 2018



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