For children with passion, respect them

If you want your children to find passion for music, sports, academia or other fields, parents only need to do one thing: not interfere with their decision.

If you want your children to find passion for music, sports, academia or other fields, parents only need to do one thing: not interfere with their decision.

Picture 1 of For children with passion, respect them

Children will find passion easily if parents respect their opinions.Photo: Telegraph.

'Passion comes from human inspiration for a certain activity. You cannot create passion for others. Each person must find his own passion for himself , 'Geneviève Mageau, a professor of psychology at Montreal University, Canada, told Livescience.

Livescience said, Mageau and colleagues tracked 196 junior high school students learning to play musical instruments for the first time. After 5 months, they found that the passion for music only appeared in students when their parents let them create their own schedule for practice. Students who like to practice say they have high autonomy and parents always let them decide.

Autonomy is a basic human need, in which we are able to do things that we ourselves like, not the will of others.

The Mageau group then discovered hundreds of swimmers, parachutes and musicians at the national level. The team asked a lot of questions for the study subjects to understand their level of passion - such as how many times a day they play or how much they love football.

The results show that the autonomy of these people is much higher in childhood than the average person. The greater the degree of autonomy, the higher their passion.

The research team said that if children let themselves discover activities, parents not only help them identify the pleasures that are most suitable for them, but they also prevent children from being haunted by an activity. somehow.

The imposition of parents not only causes children not to discover true interests, but can also erode their confidence. According to experts, children with low autonomy often find it difficult to maintain an emotional balance. For example, if they play the piano without a single note, they will feel extremely happy. But in case they miss or miss a note, they are easy to fall into a depressed state.

Many children have low autonomy but still have passion for a certain activity. However, the research team found that the ability to succeed these children is much lower than those with high autonomy.

But Mageau thinks parents should not abandon their children completely.

'I am not saying that parents should let children do whatever they want. The most important thing is that adults should pay attention to children's interests and not impose our interests on them , 'Mageau said.

Update 18 December 2018



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