Fried foods increase the risk of dementia

If you feel scared of Alzheimer's disease (abandon old age) then give up fried or baked foods.

If you feel scared of Alzheimer's disease (abandon old age) then give up fried or baked foods.

Although the exact cause of Alzheimer's brain disease is still a mystery in medicine, the recently published study of the US National Academy of Sciences points to a potential culprit: chemicals Toxic, called AGEs, is released in large quantities from high-temperature cooked foods (like frying or baking).

Researchers found that AGEs bind to inflammatory cells that can cause chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease. Since then they have been working hard to find out how AGEs affect human cognitive function.

Picture 1 of Fried foods increase the risk of dementia

Fried food can cause "forgetful old people" disease.(Photo: Womenshealthmag)

First, the team of scientists gave a herd of rats a diet that contained many different levels of AGEs and chemicals similar to that of Western meat diets. As a result, mice with a diet similar to the popular American diet began to develop typical cognitive problems of dementia. Meanwhile, mice fed food containing fewer AGEs had no significant changes in the brain.

Later, the scientists studied this issue on 93 people aged 60 and older. Clinical follow-up showed that older people with high levels of AGEs had more cognitive disorders as well as higher insulin resistance. It is a sign of metabolic syndrome (the precursor of diabetes is thought to be related to dementia).

More research is needed to confirm how AGEs play a role in Alzheimer's disease and cognitive or metabolic diseases. In the short term, scientists recommend that anyone who is interested in preventing this disease should stay away from fried foods, especially those who have a preference for cheese and chips. Instead, consume foods cooked with a lower temperature-demanding method such as stir-fry and boiled .

Update 15 December 2018



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