Ghost images in the universe

The peculiar eyes, giant jellyfish, Martian human faces, predatory eels, and dark shadows are special images in the universe recorded by astronomers for many years.

Scary people with spooky scenes in the universe

Devil eyes

Picture 1 of Ghost images in the universe

Those who have seen the " Lord of the Rings" series must not forget the ghost eyes of Sauron. Several years ago the Hubble telescope captured a scene of an elliptical cloud of gas surrounding a star called Fomalhaut. The image shows the gravitational pull of a "stealthy" planet that stretches the dust into two directions, making it elliptical instead of circular.

Giant jellyfish

Picture 2 of Ghost images in the universe

This "giant jellyfish" is bigger than our Milky Way and is 400 million light-years from Earth. It is made up of several concentric circles of Cartwheel galaxy . Some scientists believe that these circles appear after a collision between a Cartwheel and a smaller galaxy.

Human face on Mars

Picture 3 of Ghost images in the universe

When the Viking 1 probe sent a photo of a human-like figure on the red planet in 1976, some scientists thought it was a work built by an extraterrestrial organism . The most recent photos show that "human face " is just an eroded hill.

Skull-shaped nebula

Picture 4 of Ghost images in the universe

The nebula belongs to the constellation Cetus and is 1,600 light-years from Earth, named Skull (human skull). It forms when stars with 8 times the mass of the sun begin to die and shrink into giant red stars while their outer material (including dust and gas) peels off. Under the force of gravity, their core collapses inside and turns into a solid sphere, called a white dwarf.

The white dwarf star in the Skull Nebula rushes at 80 km / sec.The star's gas escapes on its path, colliding with other clumps of gas in the constellation Cetus and shrinking. Meanwhile the cloud of gas released from the first stage (below) spread out in all directions. This makes the upper half of the "skull" appear denser and clearer than the lower half.

Eel prey

Picture 5 of Ghost images in the universe

Astronomers captured this image with the Victor M Blanco telescope in Chile in early 2008. "Eel " is actually a small dust cloud shaped like a comet. It is about 1,300 light-years from Earth and is moving to Puppis constellation. In the photo it seems "eel" is about to swallow a spiral galaxy. However, that galaxy is located over 100 million light-years away, so it will never be swallowed.

Black shadow in the mist

Picture 6 of Ghost images in the universe

This giant shadow is made up of dust and gas in the NGC nebula 1999 . A new star called V380 Orionis (above, left) provides light for the nebula, but there is a cold and dense gas so light cannot penetrate. That dark cloud contains many condensed stars.

The star has a mouth

Picture 7 of Ghost images in the universe

This image can make someone remember the Death Star - the space station capable of destroying the planet in Star Wars ( Star Wars ). It was Mimas , a Saturn satellite. The largest pit on the surface of Mimas could be the result of a clash between Mimas and a large meteorite. If the meteorite was slightly larger or moved at a higher speed, Mimas might have been split in half.

Mysterious blue light in the universe

Picture 8 of Ghost images in the universe

In March 2008, astronomers discovered the largest beam of gamma radiation known to man. It moves in all directions in the universe and has such a great brightness that it can be observed with the naked eye. Scientists explained that after an extremely large star dies, it releases a multitude of high-speed particles that form a beam of radiation. If reaching Earth, gamma radiation can rip the ozone layer and slaughter every creature, but fortunately it is about 7.5 billion light-years from Earth. Some experts claim that life on the green planet will be completely destroyed if it is about 6,500 light-years away.

White dwarf exploded

Picture 9 of Ghost images in the universe Photo: CAS.

Supernova Tycho. When a star dies, it swells up and spits out air around the space to turn into a white dwarf. But sometimes its body revives by sucking air in the surrounding environment. When white dwarfs smoke too much, they will explode continuously. People often call such explosions a Type Ia supernova.

Monster head

Picture 10 of Ghost images in the universe Photo: ESO.

Something like the head of a monster with bright pink eyes is actually a colorful cloud of dust and gas. This cloud encompasses countless new stars in the Puppis constellation , about 20,000 light-years from Earth.

Black widow spider

Picture 11 of Ghost images in the universe Photo: NASA.

A giant gas cloud shaped like a Black Widow spider in the Circinus constellation . So the astronomers call this gas cloud the " Black Widow Nebula ". The bright dots in the center of the nebula are new and super big stars. The radiation from these stars pushes the gas in opposite directions, creating shapes similar to the body and legs of the spider.

The vampire's eyes

Picture 12 of Ghost images in the universe Photo: ESA.

Two super-big blue stars in the Milky Way make people feel like they are the eyes of a vampire. In fact, blue stars behave like vampires, because they maintain their blue color (the typical color of young stars) by absorbing the material of other stars. Thanks to the physical attraction of the "kind", very old stars always maintain a youthful appearance.