The giant galaxy is hidden behind a cloud of dust and gas and has a rate of formation of 100 times more stars than the Milky Way.

Scientists found that the brightness of the star EPIC 204278916 unexpectedly dropped by 65% for 25 consecutive days, proving it was blocked by something huge.

The peculiar eyes, giant jellyfish, Martian human faces, predatory eels, and dark shadows are special images in the universe recorded by astronomers for many years.

To cope with global warming, scientists in Scotland have come up with a new solution: a machine blowing huge dust in space into an asteroid that surrounds the Earth, acting as a

A meteor falling into the sea in the UK at high speed made many people think it was an airplane and reported to the authorities.

While astronomers use a Spitzer space telescope to search for a supermassive black hole in the center of a distant galaxy, the team suddenly discovers an unusually hot cloud of

The new photo by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope tells us the story of life and death in a family's rich history.