Gout or arthritis?

Blood tests 2 weeks ago showed high levels of uric acid in my blood but not to a dangerous level. But the wrist joints are deformed and sometimes, the left thumb and left ankle are swollen.

Many people told me I had arthritis but when I checked on the internet, I learned that high levels of uric acid in my blood were signs of gout. I am very confused. Can blood tests be confused?


The phenomenon of deformed swelling is actually a typical manifestation of rheumatism; High blood uric acid levels are associated with gout. I think the blood test has nothing wrong. You have gout and it affects the joint.

We often associate gout with the big toe joint pain. In fact, this is just a common sign, simplified to understand because any joints on the body can be affected, and that is part of gout, called peripheral arthritis. can occur at the same time in the wrist, elbow, hand, knees, hips. And this phenomenon is often misunderstood as arthritis.

Picture 1 of Gout or arthritis?

Red swollen toes are just a typical sign when talking about gout.

Gout occurs when the body is unable to dispose of uric acid , a byproduct of digestion. The level of uric acid increases in the system and can cause acute joint inflammation with signs of swelling, severe pain and red swollen joints.

The disease is associated with foods that are too ' high '. When these foods break down in the digestive system, they produce large amounts of uric acid. So even though gout is associated with genes, it is a disease due to a lifestyle that is too full.

Arthritis tends to affect the whole body, not one side (like your left side). It is not due to the environmental impact such as diet but because the immune system is too ' positive '. It not only affects the joints but also affects the skin, kidneys, eyes and even the lungs.

A blood test with other indicators will indicate whether it is an arthritis or not. According to my judgment, the doctor will only test for gout.

Treatment of gout using anti-inflammatory antibiotics such as diclofenac or indomethacin and medicines to reduce pain and swelling in a certain number of days. Also the drug reduces uric acid in the blood. When this concentration returns to normal, gout will stop attacking the joints.

Reducing alcohol is one way to combat gout attacks.