Harm when doing many things at the same time

While walking while texting, emailing messages while meeting,

While walking while texting, emailing when meeting, "cooking porridge" when making dinner . some people are too busy hugging such things because they think that if they only do it alone One by one it seems like a luxury or a waste of time. Many studies show that it is ineffective, may even harm their health for the following reasons:

No more time saving

Doing many things at the same time does not save time as expected. In fact, it can take people time to "jump back and forth" at the same time instead of completing each one separately. A typical example is a study by the University of Utah, USA in 2008, people who have been driving and talking on mobile phones takes more time to reach their destination according to the route. Therefore, the advice of experts is that each job requires a specific mindset, so if you want to save the most time, do one thing at a time.

Stressful mind

Researchers at the University of California Irvine measured the heart rate of office workers, found that, compared to those who do not regularly access email, those who are in the mail, the mind is always' alert. altitude 'with a higher heart rate. Not only does the process itself do many things at the same time causing stress, but its consequences also have a bad effect. For example, if someone is just reviewing and watching soccer on television that leads to a bad score, the result may cause him to be nervous, even depressed.

Picture 1 of Harm when doing many things at the same time

Easy to make mistakes

When it comes to concentration and productivity, our brain only reaches a certain limit. Experts estimate that the transition between tasks can take up to 40% of productivity. It can also make you easy to make mistakes, especially if one or more activities involve thinking. A 2010 French study found that the human brain can handle two complex tasks without too much trouble, because two-lobed brains can divide responsibilities equally. However, adding a third task starts to get confused and errors are unavoidable.

Affects memory

Trying to read a book when watching television, you will miss important details of one or both. Scientists warn that if doing this, suddenly focus on other things that could disrupt short-term memory in the brain. A 2011 study by the University of San Francisco, California asked students to follow a scene, but then suddenly switched to another image, resulting in some people not being able to remember the details of the original shot. Besides, multitasking puts pressure on the temporary processing and storage of memory so when it is overloaded, it loses the ability to think creatively.

Miss the beautiful life

Recent researchers use the phrase 'blind attention' to describe the phenomenon even though the mobile phone talker has been walking and looking around but nothing has really accumulated in their brains. Thus, the exposure to the natural environment has been ignored. However, there are other relationships in life that are more multitasking but most people don't realize. A recent study by Essex University even showed that just a mobile phone call in a personal conversation could be distracting. So, when talking to people you think is important, give them the highest attention, just 10 minutes for example, make a big difference.


Being distracted during mealtime can cause the brain to lose control of the amount of food it has eaten. According to a 2013 general study, then, you won't feel full, and may be tempted to continue eating or eating more just a short time later. Experts recommend that even people who eat alone should avoid watching television while eating. If you eat in the office in front of a computer screen, leave your computer to rest to focus on your food.

Update 14 December 2018



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