How to put calcium in your baby's meals

Some children definitely refuse milk even though this is a good source of calcium for height development. In order for milk products to be accepted by children more often, there are many secrets to attract them.

Calcium plays a very important role in determining the strength, height, . of children but if you do not know the signs and ways to supplement calcium for children, the baby may be deficient in calcium without you knowing. In particular, in the period under 1 year old if not providing enough calcium prolonged will lead to rickets, growth retardation and greatly affect the later stages of development of children.

Signs of calcium deficiency in babies and instructions for proper calcium supplementation for children

Pediatric experts recommend that for children 0-6 months of age every day need to supplement the amount of calcium needed is 300mg, from 7-12 months of age is 400mg. Children under 6 months of age may not need external calcium supplementation if fully breastfed because there is sufficient calcium in their milk for their needs.

As children get older, calcium needs are higher, so they can be supplemented with calcium-rich milk, dairy products or other foods such as soy, seafood.

Picture 1 of How to put calcium in your baby's meals

Signs to identify children with calcium deficiency

  • Children cried, sleepless, sleepy or startled. Each time, children have cries, body, red and purple cramps, prolonged crying and may be many hours or nights. The more you coax, the more you suck, the more you feed, the more you cry, the more you can stop breathing in the crying.
  • Baby often twists, milk
  • Sweating a lot, especially when sleeping.
  • Hair falls into the shape of a towel-like line behind the neck.
  • Or there are laryngeal contractions causing difficulty breathing, hiccups, milking .

Severe cases can cause apnea and rapid breathing, increased heart rate bouts and heart failure. Children with severe rickets due to lack of calcium, slow cystic, flattened head, chest thoracic cage, bowleg or bowls, slow teething, slow development of motor skills.

Older children often show signs of fatigue, anorexia, weakness, dizziness, sweating, sleeplessness .

Causes of calcium deficiency in newborns

  • Infants lacking adequate sunbathing regime should face vitamin D deficiency and the risk of calcium depletion in the blood.
  • Prolonged calcium deficiency may be due to a baby with hypothyroidism.
  • Because your baby's diet is not reasonable.
  • Because of mother's diabetes, pregnancy poisoning .
  • Due to her asphyxia, lack of oxygen in the blood during the birth process.

Prevention and treatment of children with calcium deficiency

  • In many cases of mild calcium deficiency, doctors can give your baby calcium, combined with vitamin D every day until their calcium levels are balanced.
  • To proactively prevent rickets and hypoglycemia due to rickets, mothers with young children need to ensure that they are fully breastfed.
  • You should also give your baby sunbathing every day (before 9am) to help your baby absorb calcium through the process of vitamin D synthesis. Carry your baby out of the room, sit in a draft-free place, exposing your hands and feet The baby's back, chest, and abdomen are in the sun for about 10-15 minutes. Give children vitamin D every day.
  • Mother's daily meals also need more calcium-rich foods such as shrimp, crab, fish, milk, spinach, spinach, spinach, jute, spinach, sesame and soybeans . (consider If your baby is allergic).
  • When children start to eat supplements, prioritize nutritious foods and calcium, remember to give them extra oil, fat, drink fresh fruit and eat more ripe fruit. Children's rooms need to be open, clean and light.

Learn about children's calcium needs and the important role of calcium

Calcium plays an important role in the development of children's height and bone health. The older a child is, the more calcium demand increases. Parents need to pay attention to supplement the right amount of calcium for children, to minimize the excess or lack of calcium.

Lack of calcium, children will have rickets, growth retardation and lead to other diseases. According to the latest statistics of the Institute of Sociology and Medicine, the rate of stunting malnutrition in children under 5 years old in Vietnam is 29.3%, partly due to children with calcium deficiency. However, supplementing with calcium also causes adverse effects such as constipation, bone pain, and nausea. If excess, calcium can accumulate causing kidney calcification, reduce absorption of other minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium . Calcium supplementation directly from tablets or cereals for babies should have reference doctor.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the demand for calcium by age is as follows:

Picture 2 of How to put calcium in your baby's meals

Calcium and vitamin D are inseparable duo because vitamin D is a transmitter for the body to absorb calcium. Therefore, in addition to calcium supplementation, she should also give her vitamin D supplement by sunning in the morning or through daily familiar foods such as egg yolk, salmon, cod liver oil, milk, yogurt .

Diet full of calcium

Calcium can be loaded into the body with a daily diet through a number of foods such as seafood including shrimp, crab, oysters, fish . vegetables including lettuce, cabbage, kale, celery . helps strengthen bone health. Vitamin K in green vegetables is the forming factor of osteocalcin, osteocalcin helps build up calcium into bones. However, it is difficult to accurately measure the amount of calcium taken from your baby's meals and balance the other groups of diets. Usually, the baby only loads about 20% of calcium through food, the rest will be excreted. In addition, parents should supplement calcium from milk, yogurt, milk preparations to help them grow in height.

Supplement calcium and vitamin D with yogurt

Like milk, yogurt can provide calcium and vitamin D and other essential nutrients. On average, in a box of 100mg of yogurt, there are about 110mg of calcium with some other substances: 140 IU vitamin A, 60 IU vitamin D3, 150 mcg vitamin B2, 0.45mcg vitamin B12, 90mg phosphorus, 3g fat. Besides playing a role to provide calcium for babies, yogurt also helps balance nutritional content to help children grow better. Vitamin D in yogurt also helps calcium to be better absorbed by the body.

To help your baby maximize the amount of calcium in yogurt, parents should feed their children before going to bed. According to the study, after 12 o'clock at night, the calcium content in the body is low, this is an appropriate environment to absorb the substance.

Ways to bring calcium into your child's diet

  • Breakfast: Offer children a crunchy breakfast cereal that always comes with fresh milk. If the child does not 'tolerate' this milk, it can be replaced with a soft-noodle crab soup with a tofu or a fried tofu with soy sauce which is rich in calcium.
  • Register your child for a milk drink list at school.
  • It was hot, encouraging children to eat ice cream or drinking a chilled milk drink, adding cocoa or fruit such as strawberries and oranges, but they preferred it more than pure milk.
  • It rains cold, giving children hot cocoa milk with a few crispy or salty crackers with calcium boost.
  • Take advantage of the blender to invent attractive drinks with milk, cream (made from milk) or creamy yogurt with vanilla, banana, pineapple, durian, custard apple, cocoa .
  • Feed children with bread with milk mixed.
  • Add skim milk powder to sauces of savory foods like guava, caramel, beans, potatoes .
  • Offer your child cheese and yogurt on snacks.
  • Refreshment: Give orange and tangerine juice.
  • Give your child plenty of green vegetables such as spinach, spinach, calcium-rich broccoli or other vegetables.

Most importantly, explain to your child that if you want to be tall, healthy and beautiful, you need to drink milk every day or eat yogurt, cheese, cream made of milk.

Every meal, instead of drinking water, children should drink ¼ liter of milk (a large glass), adults also drink 1 cup. If you're afraid of fat babies because of milk, 'thin' milk can be used; Children of school age should drink 2% fat milk, children who know how to drink milk whole milk.

What do moms need to do to get enough calcium?

In the early stages of life, to increase the strength to resist and to avoid calcium deficiency, children must be breastfed early, exclusively breastfed for the first 4-6 months and lasting up to 18-24 months.

Besides, nutrition for babies is also extremely important. Parents should use calcium-rich foods such as milk, milk products (cheese, yogurt, .), fresh milk, whole milk. In addition, dark green leafy vegetables, seafood, fish, beans, etc. are also good sources of natural calcium for the body.

Picture 3 of How to put calcium in your baby's meals

Besides, exercise for children to exercise in the sun, sunbathing also contributes to vitamin D and calcium.

Only when absolutely necessary, new mothers should give their children calcium supplements, but follow specific instructions and advice from their doctor. Calcium supplementation time is also important, because in the daytime, if calcium is added to the child, the folic acid and tannic acid are abundant in plant-based foods that will combine with calcium ion to form insoluble calcium salts. , excreted directly to the body without absorption. In animal foods, high in fat, combined with calcium ions will also be excreted.

At the same time, there is no supplemental calcium supplementation because at the time, the mouth still needs acid, the stomach can decompose into calcium ions for the body to absorb, while acid only secretes when the food chews in the oral cavity. Therefore, supplementation can be useless at this time.

In addition to calcium supplementation for children, mothers especially have children in the period of under 1 year needing to eat fully, varied foods, eat more meals or drink 200ml of milk before sleeping.

Thus, not only do you know the signs of calcium deficiency in children but mothers should have the right methods to supplement calcium for children to avoid possible calcium deficiency in their children.

How is calcium supplementation for children correct?

Children aged 1 to 2 years need 500mg / day. From about 4 - 8 years of age, 800mg / day is needed and from 9 years and older, 1,300mg / day is needed.

Foods like milk and dairy products (cheese, yogurt) contain the most abundant. Whole milk and fresh milk have the same calcium content. In addition, leafy green vegetables, seafood (shrimp, crabs, clams .), fish and beans are natural sources of calcium for the body.

Picture 4 of How to put calcium in your baby's meals

Mothers can still feed their babies with calcium for treatment drugs. However, calcium can interact with some drugs such as tetracyclin antibiotics, thyroid medicines . Therefore, when calcium supplements need to be consulted by doctors. You should give your child a calcium carbonate supplement after eating. In addition, vitamin D helps the body enhance calcium absorption. You should let your child sunbathe, participate in outdoor activities. This is a natural source of vitamin D for the most abundant body.

When buying calcium in the form of drugs, it is necessary to choose calcium products that are easily absorbed, do not cause stomach irritation, and cause few side effects. Should be given to children as directed by a doctor, because drinking too much leads to excess calcium is also not good can cause kidney stones, urinary bone, bone mineralization soon cause children to dwarf.

Maternal diet during lactation will directly affect the nutrition and health of children. Therefore, the mother's diet needs to increase calcium rich substances such as fish, shrimp, crab, meat, eggs, milk . that is a great way to provide calcium for your children since childhood.

4 baby calcium supplements that mothers should cook

1. Rice flour, fish

In fish contains very high levels of calcium, help strengthen bones, develop children's brain. Fish provide a full range of essential nutrients for the body. It is recommended to eat this dish regularly for children 4 months and older.

Picture 5 of How to put calcium in your baby's meals


  • Rice flour (or nutritious powder) 100g
  • Fish for 1 fish
  • Choysum 15-20g
  • Salt to eat 1 teaspoon.


  • Put the dough in plain water to stir well into the lake.
  • Then put in a pot, boil for about 8 minutes, then clean the vegetables and fish.
  • Cook until cooked, seasoning with salt to taste.

2. Dried prawn cakes with vegetables and calcium supplements are very good for children

Picture 6 of How to put calcium in your baby's meals

  • Resources:
  • 5g dried shrimp
  • 50g white cabbage
  • 1 egg chicken
  • Flour
  • A little spice.


Bread : Soak dried shrimp in warm water and rinse it, crush it well, add it with cooked fried chicken eggs; Rinse white cabbage dipped in boiling water, then cut into small pieces, mix well with chicken eggs to make bread; Make the cake crust, put in to make small cakes, steamed cooked.

Dried shrimp is rich in calcium, and when cooked, will remove some oxalic, phutic acid, more beneficial for cnxin during absorption. Chicken eggs have a lot of good points, there is no need to say much, children 10 months or more definitely like this cake.

3. Bone stewed with chicken eggs - tofu

Chicken eggs, tofu are not only rich in calcium, but also very delicious and easy to eat. Especially for children under 1 month old who are not chewed is very good.


  • 1 egg chicken
  • Tofu 1 piece
  • Pig ribs 150g
  • Minor onions.


  • Chicken eggs smashed, hit evenly.
  • Tofu crushed.
  • Bone stew for water. Then add tofu to cook, continue to add spices and chicken eggs. Wedge a little more onions are okay.

4. Boneless bones - Chopsticks noodles

Ingredients : Pig bone bone, or 200g beef bone, chop noodles 5g, 50g vegetables, salt a little, little rice vinegar.

How to do it: the bone is beating, put it in cold water, ripe, after boiling water for a little rice vinegar and continue to simmer for 30 minutes. Then filter the water to remove the bone, continue to put chopsticks into boiling pot. After washing, clean and cut into thin pot of cooked broth. Finally, add spices to taste and taste.

Boneless water contains very high levels of calcium, and is also rich in protein, fat, iron, and vitamins, supplementing iron and iron, preventing osteoporosis and anemia very good for children from 1 age or older.

Update 15 December 2018



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