Huge tuna caught by strong storms washed ashore on the Scottish coast

The bluefin tuna is longer than an adult who landed on the Scottish coast after a strong storm, causing locals to rush to watch.

The bluefin tuna is longer than an adult who landed on the Scottish coast after a strong storm, causing locals to rush to watch.

Picture 1 of Huge tuna caught by strong storms washed ashore on the Scottish coast

Bluefin tuna is about two meters long.(Photo: Fox News).

The massive body washed up on a beach in Sanday Island in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, after a strong storm last weekend, Fox News reported. The fish has an estimated length of about two meters. Bluefin tuna is one of the largest and fastest fish in the world, according to National Geographic.

"This is an impressive fish. At that size, the fish is mature. It looks pretty fresh, so I mean it died of natural causes," said Emma Neave-Webb, a local manager. said.

The fish attracted crowds of people to see December 16."Everyone was interested. The fish became the talk topic on the island that day. We hope we can measure weight and slaughter it to see if there are traces of plastic waste pollution. " Neave-Webb shared.

This is not the first time that Atlantic bluefin tuna has been discovered in Scotland. According to John Hourston, founder of the volunteer Blue Planet Society, the fish is the third case to land in Scottish waters this year. This species of tuna rarely runs aground in the Orkney Islands. Some fish experts hope this is a sign of bluefin tuna returning to the area.

Update 26 December 2018



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