Ideal food for people with fatty liver

Nymphs are dishes suitable for fatty liver patients because of the effect of reducing serum cholesterol and improving liver function. It can be used in the form of dishes or powdered drink.

Nymphs are dishes suitable for fatty liver patients because of the effect of reducing serum cholesterol and improving liver function. It can be used in the form of dishes or powdered drink.

Traditional medicine has no steatosis. But based on clinical symptoms, it is possible to see that the disease is in the 'accumulation' range. Foods consistent with this certificate include:

Shiitake : The ideal food for people with fatty liver. In shiitake mushrooms there are substances that reduce cholesterol in the blood and liver cells.

Wu :

Picture 1 of Ideal food for people with fatty liver

Wu (Photo: shrilalmahal)

Corn contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids that can promote the metabolism of fats in general and cholesterol in particular.

Memories: Effect of inhibiting the process of fat accumulation in liver cells, promoting the proliferation of liver cells and improving fat metabolism.

Tea leaves : Folk experience suggests that tea leaves work to remove fat supplements. Modern research shows that tea has the ability to increase the elasticity of the arteries, reduce blood cholesterol and prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Lotus leaf : It also works to reduce blood fat, reduce fat and prevent fat accumulation in liver cells. Used in the form of braking with boiling water to drink tea or cook lotus leaf porridge.

Vegetables need : Contains a lot of vitamins, has the effect of cooling the liver, lowering blood cholesterol, promoting the process of excreting waste products and cleaning blood. Should be used as a regular vegetable.

For drinks , one of the following herbal teas should be used:

- 3 g dry tea, described 15 g. Two things will work with boiling water in a sealed container, after 20 minutes it will work. Has the effect of protecting liver, fat, diuretic, slimming.

- Dry tea 2 g, 10 g needle (can be replaced by yellow turmeric), licorice 5 g gold star,

- Dry tea 3 g, sand base (cassava cassava) 10 g, lotus leaf 20 g. All crushed to drink instead of tea. Has the effect of detoxifying, lowering blood fat, reducing fat. It is also possible to use fresh or dry lotus leaves to stop drinking tea instead of daily tea.

Attention should be paid to abstaining from overweight foods and foods such as animal fat, brain and animal liver; hot and spicy things like ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, wine, coffee, special tea .

MSc. Hoang Khanh Toan

Update 14 December 2018



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