In Russia, there will soon be selling artificial meat

Russian scientists have been making artificial meat in laboratory conditions, so this special food can appear on stalls in Russia in 2023.

Russian scientists have made artificial meat in laboratory conditions, so this special food can appear on stalls in Russia in 2023 - representative of the newspaper division of the U.N. Food processing industry Ochakovo told Sputnik.

The study was carried out for two years. The first 40 grams of artificial meat obtained under laboratory conditions cost 900 thousand rubles (about 328 million VND).

Picture 1 of In Russia, there will soon be selling artificial meat

After 5 years a kilogram of "artificial beef" will retail for 800 rubles.

"Domestic artificially produced meat can appear on food stalls in Russia by 2023, if the legal status of this product is approved. So far, the price of artificial meat in the world is still is high compared to retail buyers' pockets and ranges from approximately US $ 90 / kg, although three years ago the cost of this meat used to be US $ 100-300,000 / kg " - the notice said.

According to experts from the "Ochakovo" facility, after another 5 years a kilogram of "artificial beef" will retail for 800 rubles (about 290 thousand VND).

As noted, artificial meat is safe for humans with double the shelf life of traditional meat. Such meat is taken from the small muscular tissue fragment of the elite calf "Aberdeen Angus" aged 2-3 days. Cells are placed in growth media to support growth and division. The culture medium is a special gel containing amino acids, vitamins, salts, glucose, cohesion and growth factors.

"The decisive question in the meat collection process is the choice of suitable environmental components. It not only supports cell division, but also gives the product flavor, succulence, color. and the most authentic aroma. At the same time, the environment is one of the most expensive components, affecting the cost of cell culture and development, " said Alexandr Savkov, CEO of the Ochakovo Food Processing Union. .

  • Israeli startup declared making artificial steak, costing 50 USD / piece, taste like real cow
  • Producing artificial meat from . stem cells
Update 02 October 2019



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