Innovate the Windows command line with PromptPal

The vast majority of current Windows users seem to know very little about the type of computer use by typing the command line (Command Prompt or 'DOS'), just like 20 years ago on computers XT. with black and white screen.

The vast majority of current Windows users seem to know very little about the type of computer use by typing the command line (' Command Prompt ' or ' DOS '), just like 20 years ago on XT computers with black screens. white.

In fact, the use of the computer by typing the command line is never "dead", but it is only commonly used by professional users or in the Linux, Unix world . PromptPal is considered a tool. The current number one support for Windows 'Command Prompt', especially for those who prefer to use the command line is 'intellectual'.

PromptPal's user interface also . black like 'Command Prompt' for Windows or 'DOS', but PromptPal's flexibility and convenience are 'excellent' for difficult and dry environments like the command line . Here are some of PromptPal's breakthroughs:

Picture 1 of Innovate the Windows command line with PromptPal
1. Remind commands : PromptPal has a special reminiscent of commands. You just need to type in any command line that is all the same commands will appear as a 'menu' for you to choose. For example, if you type in the command line 'CH', all commands such as CACLS, CALL, CD, CHDIR, CHKDSK, CLS, COLOR . will appear for you to choose to use. The list of nearly 200 statements in the command line environment, also encapsulated in the 'menu' appears so you can use it from start to finish.

2. Use a lot of tabular command-line windows (Tab) : If you want to use many of PromptPal's command line windows, it will equip you with a modern 'Tab' style table, just like the way many websites follow tables of Internet Explorer 7, Firefox, Opera . You go to ' File ' and select ' New Tab ' to pop up a new table. To rename or delete an existing tab, right-click on each Tab to select ' Rename Tab ' or ' Close Tab '.

3. Double-cut the command line window : If the number of commands you use is too long and you want to follow the commands above, go to the ' View ' menu and select ' Dual Pane ' to split the PromptPal window into 2 parts. horizontal, similar to " Split " in Micrsoft Word " Windows " menu.

4. Save all used command lines into Text file : go to the ' File ' menu and select ' Save Text ' to save all the executed commands into TXT file format.

5. Group commonly used commands : PromptPal allows you to group commonly used statements into the ' Favorites ' section, similar to those in browsers. You type in the command you need in the main interface -> go to the ' File ' menu -> select ' Favorites ' to ' Add ' to the commonly used command line.

6. Insert file and folder paths directly into the command line : this amazing feature helps you insert the path to the file or folder directly into the command line extremely fast. If anyone has ever used DOS, he must know that 'naked' when having to type in a long path.

In addition, PromptPal also supports you a variety of useful features for commands like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find . located in the ' Edit ' menu. If you're familiar with PromptPal, make sure you regularly use the command line to feel that PromptPal is your indispensable tool.

The above are just a few basic features, through the process of using you will discover many other handy features of PromptPal.

Technology Lighthouse is selling PromptPal 1.5 for $ 29.99. Interested readers can visit here to download the trial version with a capacity of about 1.98.


Update 13 December 2018



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