Members of the Saratov team (Russia) during the awards ceremony
Russian students have occupied most of the top spots in the final round of the International Computer Programming Competition for University and College Students (ACM-ICPC) held in San Antonio (Texas). in this week.
4 students of Saratov University (Russia) have been in the top 10 of students with the best results. 7 positions in the top 10 belong to universities in Europe, only one US student at MIT and ranked in the top 10 and ranked in the 8th rank. Students must successfully complete at least 5 of the 10 topics within 14 hours.
Immediately after the competition, experts warned aloud about the shortage of talent in the information technology field of the world's leading IT powerhouse, while talented people in 'rival' countries still not used up. AMC-ICPC is the most prestigious international programming competition for students in the world today, and this is the 30th contest of AMC-ICPC.
The winner of this competition is the one who has the ability to successfully solve the most problems in the given time. The members of Saratov University's programming team (Russia), including first-ranked students, have already processed at least 6 questions in the 10-question lesson. These students all received 10,000 USD scholarships from IBM.
Two students from Poland, Jagiellonian University and Warsaw University, ranked second and seventh. A Dutch student ranked fourth and a Chinese student ranked fifth.
American students have a 'flat' ranking in this competition. In addition to an MIT student who ranked 8th, only one US University of California Technology student was ranked but ranked 15/39, but this student only solved 2 sentences. A number of other US universities have also sent teams to attend and are all out of the top 39, but they also received honors for their participation in the competition.
In this year's AMC-ICPC competition, there were 3 students from Ho Chi Minh City University of Science and Technology attending the event: Nguyen Tuong Quan, Nguyen Dan Thanh and Pham Huu Ngon. The goal of the Vietnamese delegation is to reach the top 20 in the world.
Readers interested in this contest can visit here to download the article for reference.