Lion attack zebra

Anup Shah has placed remote control cameras to record images of zebras' life on the steppes in Masai Mara, Kenya, within 3 months.

Anup Shah, a famous wildlife photographer in Africa, has placed remote-controlled cameras to capture images of zebra's life on steppes in Masai Mara, Kenya, in within 3 months.

Here are the close-up images of the last moments in the zebra attack of a female lion .

Picture 1 of Lion attack zebra

1. The lion is in a position ready to prepare for the attack.

Picture 2 of Lion attack zebra

2. Zebras flock to chaos when the female lion starts the attack.

Picture 3 of Lion attack zebra

3. The camera is placed under a rock hole, capturing the most realistic images of zebra panic.

Picture 4 of Lion attack zebra

4. For these spectacular photos, Anup Shah took three months to follow a herd of zebras on the prairies in Masai Mara, Kenya.

Picture 5 of Lion attack zebra

5. Mr. Anup explained: "I have set up remote control cameras at places where I think zebras will pass. After that, I can see what's going on through binoculars from a safe distance Sure, you won't want to be in the same situation as these zebras. "

Picture 6 of Lion attack zebra

6. After the attack ended, an unlucky zebra became a sumptuous meal for the female lion.

Picture 7 of Lion attack zebra

7. After the horrific attack, the life of the zebras returned to peace as it was.

Picture 8 of Lion attack zebra

8. This is Anup photographer. Photos of African wildlife were included in a book called 'African Odyssey'.

Update 15 December 2018



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