Mozilla opened the competition for video advertising

The Mozilla company recently opened a promotional video contest from interested people and used the Firefox web browser to serve its worldwide marketing and advertising campaign.

Picture 1 of Mozilla opened the competition for video advertising Mozilla has designed a website for those who are interested and use the Firefox web browser to be able to update videos about 30 seconds describing why they like this web browser. The second part of this advertising competition, called Firefox Flicks, is expected to be revealed in mid-December for those who are active professionals and students.

Mozilla said that the company's advertising video search competition stemmed from previous fundamental efforts that led to the company being sponsored to advertise on two pages of the ' New York Times ' newspaper in November 2004. . That ad supports Firefox 1.0.

Mozilla added that the company is starting a tough competition to take the market share of Microsoft's web browser, which dominates the web browser market with 86.5% market share. Meanwhile, Firefox currently has 8.6% market share.

According to Mozilla, the latest marketing and advertising program is just the beginning of a series of campaigns that Mozilla is planning to launch in the coming months.