Mysterious mother named

Saint Petersburg Panorama weekly newspaper published in 1834 recorded, Valentina Vassilyev, wife of a farmer living in Shuya district, Ivanovo province, Russia has become the woman with the largest number of children in the world.

Saint Petersburg Panorama weekly newspaper published in 1834 recorded, Valentina Vassilyev, wife of a farmer living in Shuya district, Ivanovo province, Russia has become the woman with the largest number of children in the world. From 1725 to 1765, Vassilyev experienced a total of 27 passages, including 16 twins, 7 triplets and 4 private births, for a total of 69 children.

The woman who was dubbed " this steel uterus" caused the medicine to be shocked because of all births, she gave birth completely due to her poor family situation, plus medical conditions at that time. undeveloped.

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Mrs. Vassilyev (circled in red) and all the rest were family members .

According to preliminary calculations, Vassilyev pregnant 16 twins, 37 weeks each time; seven births every 32 weeks; four times a 30-week life. Thus, the total time of pregnancy was 18 years. If Vassilyev gives her breastmilk, the body will not be able to ovulate in time. Not to mention, the older the woman is, the less likely she is to conceive.

In theory, this childbirth is possible, but in reality is another matter. There is a theory that Vassilyev has eaten a secret food to increase her ability to conceive.

Some others speculated that Vassilyev's husband, Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), had a special sexual ability and high quality, high quality sperm. He was a man of the moon, often dating lovers. Not only did Vassilyev 27 times pregnant with 69 children, he also gave his second wife another 18 children.

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Rare photos of Vassilyev's children.

However, the information about this great mother does not appear much and so far, why she can be pregnant and give birth to such a child is still a mystery to scientists.

Update 18 December 2018



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