Need creative ideas? Go to the bathroom to think

Many times you have many interesting ideas when taking a bath? So why is the wet place like the bathroom a nursery for so many good ideas?

Many times you have many interesting ideas when taking a bath? So why is the wet place like the bathroom a nursery for so many good ideas?

Over the past few months, psychologist Ron Friedman - founder of Ignite 80 and author of the book "Art and Science for creating a special working environment" hosted a high-level online conference. Working with the participation of 26 leading experts in the world such as Daniel Pink, Gretchen Rubin, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, and Scott Barry Kaufman.

In the discussion, Kaufman, a human cognitive scientist and co-author of "Creative Barriers , " came to a conclusion based on research that 72% of people around the world said they thought of Great ideas when taking a bath.

Picture 1 of Need creative ideas? Go to the bathroom to think

The bathroom is the promised land for creation.

Kaufman argues that research highlights the importance of relaxation in creative thinking.

He also said that an airy, isolated space like a bathroom gives a feeling of freshness and relaxation. Since then, people have been promoted to the highest creative ability , because then our minds are "flying" freely, helping us penetrate deeper into the inner world, dreaming more then leading to be more creative.

According to him: "The bath is the ideal place to relax alone, no one to scrutinize or judge, let soul think wandering, dreaming with inner thoughts".

However, the idea of ​​daydreaming to create creativity made Friedman skeptical. He asked many questions: Is there any way for these "daydreams" to help my job? Should I take the time to create an idea this way or not, so let it happen naturally and grab the opportunity?

To answer Friedman's question, Kaufman said that you just need to be sure to create a separate time and space to think. There are many ways, for example walking every day will help clear your mind and make you forget about worries and worries. Or simply stay in a soundproofed room.

Picture 2 of Need creative ideas? Go to the bathroom to think

Your mind also needs relaxing times to be alone.

But he did research and found that the best time to be creative was when bathing. Kaufman asked a lot of people in many different countries and most of the answers were that they had more creative inspiration when standing under the shower than sitting tense on the desk.

He added that it's important to separate yourself from the outside world. People are often easily distracted, distracted with people who are introverted or have different working styles. But whether it is an introvert or an extrovert, one should still find a way to "hide" from the outside world for a while, ponder, delve into the inner subconscious to understand the body, emotions and thoughts. treat in your heart. Maybe when we return to the real world, we can understand ourselves as well as those around us. According to him, creativity lies in the space between the inner world and the real world.

Friedman confided to Brigid Schulte, who agreed with Kaufman, the author of "Overload: Work, Love and Play. Get time for all three".

"It's American style. We want everything to be perfect. We want to work hard. We want everything. We don't allow ourselves to be lazy but even if we don't finish our work, we still taking the time to think wandering while bathing, and the ideas that were born at the time were the best ideas, because that was when the brain worked effectively.

Todd Henry, author of "Creative Creativity" shares his thoughts on this topic.

He said, in a vineyard, one of the main jobs of gardeners is to prune well. Sometimes, they have to cut many bunches of ripe grapes to make sure the climbing garden is not overloaded. They need to make sure that fresher grapes have enough nutrients.

Picture 3 of Need creative ideas? Go to the bathroom to think

Delicious grapes sometimes have to be cut to make room for better fruits.

Similarly, you also have a lot of ripe grapes in the garden. These ripe grapes are new ideas, new projects that you want to pursue. However, if you don't know how to select better, better grapes, your life will be overwhelmed. Instead of throwing yourself at you, you should eliminate unnecessary things to create space for your soul. If you don't nourish the soul, you will just be a robot that only knows how to stab into work.A relaxed soul can work effectively.

According to Friedman, this psychologist called "excess cognitive capacity".

Picture 4 of Need creative ideas? Go to the bathroom to think

A quiet place like a bathroom can free your mind and soul!

So you need your own space and the bathroom is the most ideal time. This is one of those rare moments where people are separated from technology. So we have more time to join the idea. Without these times, work will never work.

Update 18 December 2018



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