New discovery on how to increase longevity

New research published in the journal Communications Biology shows that brisk walking contributes to improved health and longevity, reducing signs of aging in older adults.

New research published in the journal Communications Biology shows that brisk walking contributes to improved health and longevity, reducing signs of aging in older adults.

This work was published on April 20, by a team of experts from the University of Leicester and the Leicester Biomedical Research Center (UK). The authors looked at genetic data on 405,981 people over the age of 50 in the United Kingdom. They then compared the volunteers' biological signs of aging and walking speed with that of a control group.

Picture 1 of New discovery on how to increase longevity

 The brisk walkers had longer telomeres than the slower walkers.

To measure biological signs of aging, the authors used cell health - telomeres. Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes, or strands of human DNA. They provide stability as cells divide over time. As we age, telomeres become shorter, similar to a burning candle. This condition is also associated with age-related diseases such as cancer.

According to a study by a group of experts in the UK, people who walk fast (speed more than 4.8 km / h) often have longer telomeres than the group who walk slower. In addition, the total walking time, the total number of steps is also proportional to the length of the telomere.

These findings are considered very important. Because some previous studies have shown a link between walking speed and signs of aging. This study shows that brisk walking contributes to the benefits of reducing aging, prolonging life.

Many other studies also demonstrate the benefits of walking for mental health, physical as well as longevity. This is also a habit that helps improve mood, raise energy levels, and prevent many diseases.

Studies show that walking increases heart rate and improves blood flow, which can help reduce muscle pain and soreness, reduce stress and depression, and promote heart health. In particular, just 4,400 steps a day has also been shown to help us live longer.

According to the Mayo Clinic, every day, experts recommend that we should be physically active for at least 30 minutes, which can be broken down into the day like three 10-minute walks or gradually increased over time.

Update 27 April 2022



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