Plants also know how to

Scientists say plants have evolved to forget the past of suffering when necessary. And this process is really impressive.

Scientists say plants have evolved to forget the past of suffering when necessary. And this process is really impressive.

We humans are happy to be able to forget some unhappy moments in everyday life. But according to a recent study, plants turn out to evolve to "get rid of the past" but continue on this world.

In previous studies, scientists have concluded that plants can store memories on genetic information by epigenetic cells. This ability allows them to increase survivability and recovery in strict conditions like drought and pest.

Picture 1 of Plants also know how to

Plants can store memories on genetic information by epigenetic cells.

And according to a recent study by the Australian National University, trees can now "forget" the periods of suffering in the past , if it affects the development of future generations.

According to Dr. Peter Crisp - botanist at the Australian National University: "Past stressful memories can cause plants to adapt to the negative direction, hindering their ability to recover and affect generation. growing ".

Picture 2 of Plants also know how to

Plants growing in dry areas are often less developed.

For example, trees growing in dry areas are often less developed. And if this memory is transmitted to later generations, the growth of the seedling will be limited even when planted in a good condition."Because of that, plants have learned how to forget," Crisp said.

Specifically, Dr. Crisp and his colleagues realized that this process of denying the past is controlled by RNA molecules , which transport genetic materials, helping to produce the proper proteins for cell coding. ADN.

Picture 3 of Plants also know how to

Plants will forget when needed to make the next generation grow better.

RNA is the single molecule (single stranded) so it can be easily decomposed, in which this decomposition can indirectly disrupt the RNA responsible for stress response. According to scientists, plants have taken advantage of this process to prevent the formation of unwanted memories.

However, creation is really great.Trees have evolved impressively to balance the number of "forgotten" and "not forgotten" trees in the population . Thus, at least half of the generation of trees will grow stably, whether harsh or favorable environmental conditions.

The study is published in Science Advances magazine.

Update 17 December 2018



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