'Pouring' to eat gas in the holidays, what to eat to reduce belly fat super speed?

Last long holiday season you have

The last long-term holiday you have "trot" too much, especially high-protein dishes. You are worried that you will be fat, fat, lose shape. The following foods will help you lose weight fast after the gas break.


Almond nuts are one of the nuts that helps with weight loss. Almonds can prevent hunger, so need to add almonds - one of the fat-free foods - to your diet.

Green vegetables

Picture 1 of 'Pouring' to eat gas in the holidays, what to eat to reduce belly fat super speed?

Vegetables are fat-free foods, helping you lose weight fast.

Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamins and low in calories. This fat-free food helps to lose weight fast and should eat twice a week.

Dairy food

Add dairy foods to your diet. Foods like low-fat cheese, whey and yogurt are foods that help with weight loss.


Eggs have a higher protein content than any other food on this list. Therefore, to promote weight loss, you need to eat at least 2 eggs a day.


The best lean meat is chicken. Fat in chicken meat has the lowest calorie content of meat.


Picture 2 of 'Pouring' to eat gas in the holidays, what to eat to reduce belly fat super speed?

Bananas are rich in energy, protein and vitamins necessary for the body.

Rich in energy, protein and vitamins. Bananas are foods that need to be in the diet to lose weight quickly.


For vegetarians who like mushrooms, this is why more mushrooms are needed. Mushrooms help lose weight because the water content of mushrooms is filled with your stomach.


It is said that this spice helps with weight loss. Peppers used for curries or eaten directly help burn calories.


Asparagus has many tastes and many people do not like to eat. However, this vegetable reduces cravings and dispels your hunger with minerals. That's why asparagus is one of the foods that helps with weight loss.


Picture 3 of 'Pouring' to eat gas in the holidays, what to eat to reduce belly fat super speed?

Your weight loss regime should have this fish.

Salmon contains omega-3 and some other diets. Your weight loss regime should have this fish.

Cucumber (cucumber)

In cucumber contains sulfur and silicon, which are beneficial components for the kidneys, help the kidneys excrete uric acid and limit the production of fat cells in the body. In addition, cucumbers are thermally cool, contain plenty of water, so they are good for health.

Drink cucumber juice, eat raw or processed into different dishes from cucumber every day to reduce belly fat and help beautify the skin effectively.


Pineapple is a secret weapon to have a flat belly. Acid in pineapples eliminates excess calories. While the sweetness and rich aroma make your taste buds and smells satisfied, the stomach does not require to be filled with other fats.

Eating pineapples every day not only helps you lose belly fat fast but is also good for your organ.


Avocado is one of the most favorite fruits of women, and fortunately it is also in the top of the benefits for waistline. Thanks to the unsaturated fat content in the high mono form, avocado is good for digestion and reduces harmful types of cholesterol.


Succulent tomatoes, rich in fiber and vitamin C, A, have very low calorie intake and especially help you reduce at least 2kg in a month.

To ensure good performance, you should eat 1 tomato before each meal, or 2 tomatoes before dinner. You should also drink tomato juice every day or prepare tomatoes in regular dishes.


Picture 4 of 'Pouring' to eat gas in the holidays, what to eat to reduce belly fat super speed?

Grapefruit contains a lot of water, fiber, vitamin C . helps reduce the amount of insulin in the body.

Stars know how to control their weight by adding a daily serving of half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice from the 1930s. Grapefruit contains a lot of water, fiber, vitamin C, carbohydrates and helps reduces the amount of insulin in the body (isulin reduces fat burning).

Eating a grapefruit every day for breakfast and lunch will help you consume about 800 calories.


Apples are plants with low heat, when you eat a lot of apples, the body heat absorbed will be much less than when you eat other foods of the same weight, which makes the body's natural weight you decrease

The three-day weight loss menu with apples is as follows: you will only have apples and water in your 3-course ration, in addition to not have any other foods, just eat until you feel full, and It is best to eat red apples (washed, peeled to avoid preservatives).


Not only is it good for skin, good for digestion, cancer prevention, papaya can also help women lose weight effectively. 100g papaya contains no more than 32 calories, if you eat 100g of papaya before a meal, you will lessen your appetite for rice and other high-calorie foods.

Besides, papaya contains a lot of vitamin B and antioxidants to help your waist become slimmer.

Update 15 December 2018



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